Ch. 28- Save Me

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"Everything was easier when he was darkness and she was light, but they could not resist the temptation of being grey together." - l.s


I really thought that we were going to win this battle. But I was wrong. So wrong. I was lying on the ground as my body felt like it was up in flames that I couldn't move it at all. I was slowly dying and all I could think about was the sky up above. The sun was shining brightly and I wished that it could go down so I could feel better. But it wasn't listening to me. This was how I was going to die. By the sun that I so happy living under all my life. That is until I got turned into one of the creatures of the night, drinking the blood of the innocent. 

Burning alive is the worst pain that I have been inflicted upon. From poisonous blood to stab wounds and holy water, this is the worst. I didn't even feel the grass that I was lying on, just the smoke all around me. I closed my eyes for a minute as I let death come to me again but a part of me told me to fight. 

Suddenly, I felt someone pick me up so that I was standing and put their arms around me but I couldn't open my eyes because of the pain. I felt a gust of wind in a second as if I was on a rollercoaster going a hundred miles an hour. As I was now moving, I started to feel better as I was now out of the sun. 

I felt the person that was holding onto me pick me up once more as my legs couldn't carry me any longer and carry me bridal style. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that it was Sebastian that held me and he was running as fast he could. I could see that his face was burning from the daylight outside as we were moving but he didn't seem bothered by it as much as I was. 

Sebastian was looking straight ahead as he was holding me tighter so I wouldn't fall. All I could do was stare at him because my body was limp and my voice didn't say any words. We finally stopped moving and it took my eyes a moment to process that I was no longer in motion. 

I noticed as he opened a door as I heard it creak slowly when it opened. He quickly took a step inside and I wondered where we were. Sebastian walked to what was a modern white couch in the middle of the room and set me down on it. My whole body still had blisters on it as there was blood everywhere, so I don't know how he got the idea of putting me on a white couch if I was bleeding. The room that we were in was dark as there were thick drapes covering the windows which were a good thing because the sun was still shining outside.

He sat down beside me as he had a worried expression on his face which made my heart break a little because I didn't want him to look at me like that. I smiled a little bit because I know that I was going to be okay if he was here with me. Somehow I always am when I'm with him. "You saved me." I whispered as my voice felt like it was in the desert. 

Sebastian's worried expression turned to relief as he smirked at me. He was healing faster than I that I could see his dimples form slightly. "Always will." he commented as he caressed my hand gently as my body was trying to heal. 

Just then, panic set in my bones as I realized what just happened. I sat up suddenly as my mind was overpowering me with questions. I widened my eyes at Sebastian as I felt my heart start beating rapidly. "Wait, what about the others?" I questioned him. "Don't tell me that you left them in order to save me." I asked him as I raised my eyebrow. I was still weak but I was feeling a little better. 

He clenched his eyebrows together in a frown as he didn't like what I just said. "No, I didn't. I made sure that they were safe before I came for you." he said slowly. 

"Then, where are they?" I asked him as my voice was still scratchy. 

I noticed that he wrapped both of his hands around mine suddenly and moved closer to me so that we were inches apart. "They are in a safe house miles away from here with your brother. That's where we are also," he admitted as he looked at me with sympathy. "All of them are okay." he confessed as he rubbed his thumb on my hand. 

From Death to Life- Book OneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin