Ch. 21- Segovia

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"Maybe I am a monster. I have sharp teeth and no conscience. I need to draw blood just to feel something. But honey, oh honey, did you forget? Monsters aren't born, they're created." - unknown

The myth. The legend. The baddest bitch of all...


I opened my eyes slowly as I've come to realize my surroundings. I realized that I was lying on the ground of the jail cell I was in earlier but I couldn't move an inch from the pain that was soaring through my whole body. But I had no choice but to get up because there was no way that she was going to win. I moved my hand to cover the wound on my stomach and I grunted in pain as I tried to sit up. 

I sat up and leaned on the wall that was behind me and I let out a deep breath as I was still holding onto the gaping hole in my stomach. I turned my head and glanced to where the cell next to me was and I saw Sebastian looking at me with worry in his pretty eyes. He was seated next to the bars on his side and I watched as he moved his hand to place it on mine that filled with blisters, but he didn't seem to care. 

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" he asked softly. I smiled weakly at him and closed my eyes for a second as I felt the burning sensation more. 

"Oh, I'm peachy." I said as my voice was scratchy. "I don't seem to be healing." I told him as I felt blood gushing out my stomach again. I opened my eyes once more and looked at him and saw as he roamed his eyes from top to bottom. Sebastian clenched his jaw as he let out a breath of air. 

"Dammit, I knew they were going to use holy water on you." he admitted with a low voice. 

"Yeah thanks for telling me that, by the way." I said as I heard my voice crack. I turned away from him and I closed my eyes again because the pain was getting stronger. It feels like I am dying slowly from all the wounds that have been inflicted upon me. "Not like you tell me anything, anyways." I snapped at him as I started coughing. 

I moved my hands to my mouth as the coughing was getting more intense. I looked at my hand suddenly and furrowed my brows as I saw a pool of blood on it as the coughing started to diminish. I glanced at Sebastian and I saw that he had a worried look on his face before looking away from me. 

"I'm dying, aren't I?" I asked as I let out a cough. I turned my head again and closed my eyes because I couldn't take the pain anymore. I could sense the what I asked made him angry but I had to know. 

"No, you're not dying. I will never let that happen." he said. "You just need a little blood to heal up those wounds." he admitted. I chuckled slightly at what he said because I know that they will never feed me blood. We were silent for a moment as the thoughts in my head were getting more intense. I couldn't get the picture of a red-haired girl walking around in the castle, which I thought was Segovia. 

"Sebastian?" I asked in a whisper without looking at him. I leaned my head beside me where the bars that separated us were located. 

"Yeah?" he asked in a voice that almost broke my heart. It was so sad that I almost didn't want to ask him what I was wondering about. 

After a long pause, I finally worked up the courage to ask him about Segovia. "Can you tell me about Segovia?" I questioned as I tried to talk normally but my voice was dry that it cracked a little bit. I didn't have to look at him to know that he had his jaw clenched and the word alone made him tense up. 

He let out a huge breathe before speaking. "Okay, I think it's time you should know. You need to hear it from me." Sebastian admitted. He was silent for a minute for finally telling me everything he knows about Segovia. I imagine that it's hard for him to talk about her, even to me, because what I gathered from everyone else, she did a number on him. 

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