Ch. 26- What's Coming

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"Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red." - Kait Rokowski


I saw her again. I saw her stab me in the stomach in my dreams repeatedly as I couldn't wake up from it. My eyes would not open and I tried everything in my power to wake up from this nightmare but my brain wouldn't let me. We were in the castle and I kept running and running away from her so she wouldn't hurt me, but as I looked back she was nowhere to be seen. 

I eventually looked straight ahead and she was in front of me once more as her gown had blood stains that I have seen on her last time. She smiled devilishly as pools of red formed in her eyes that made my heart start beating rapidly. Segovia darted toward me with the same knife in her hand that she jabbed me with last time and I tried running away from her but I was frozen to the spot. My eyes widened as I watched Segovia stab me in the stomach. I looked at my own face that was giving me a big smile as I felt blood spilling out of my body. 

I awakened finally as I realized that someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly and realized it was Sebastian that was trying to wake me up from my nightmare. I narrowed my eyes as I saw that he had a worried expression on his face. "W-What happened?" I whispered as I tried to sit up. 

"You were screaming in your sleep again." Sebastian admitted. I was silent for a minute as I tried to figure out what he was saying. I looked around my room and realized that it was night outside with only the moonlight shining brightly through the window. I glanced at Sebastian as he was sitting next to me on the bed and he was caressing my hand gently. 

I realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt, only shorts which made me think that he was sleeping and that I woke him up. Seeing him like that was something new to me. His hazelnut hair was a mess, not like it always is, and I could see his unshaven face that instantly made me want to jump on top of him and touch every inch of him.

I snapped that dirty thought out of my mind as I was now sitting up from my bed. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I asked as I rubbed my face with one of my hands for a second before looking at him again in the dark. I didn't know what to think or say for that matter because I still felt that I was in the dream with Segovia stabbing me over and over again. 

"No need to be sorry, love." he said softly. I noticed that he was hesitant for a minute before finally speaking again. "Are you okay?" he questioned as he noticed that I was still shaking a little bit from my dream. 

I looked down at my hands to avoid his eye contact with me and I felt like I wanted to tell him everything, but another part of me didn't want to tell him that his old girlfriend is killing me in my nightmares and that I'm seeing her when I'm awake. "No, actually, I'm not. I keep having these dreams and I haven't been able to sleep well because of it." I admitted not looking into his eyes. I was wearing little shorts that ended at the top of my thighs and a tank top that barely even covered my chest. Sebastian didn't say anything which made butterflies form in my stomach. 

I finally gained the courage to look up at him and I saw that he was lost in thought as to what to say next. I didn't know what he was going to say or do next, which is the only thing that terrified me. Sebastian was like a mystery novel, no matter how much I wanted to flip to the last page and find out what happens, there was always a new puzzle to be solved. 

He was a conundrum, a paradox that keeps on surprising me. He was sarcastic but serious, dark but full of light, ignorant but also aware of everything that goes on around him and he was death, but he was life. It's funny how he is the one that killed me but has made me feel alive again. The only one that has been by my side since the beginning; that has shown me what it's like to be a vampire and to show me what forever is going to be like. 

From Death to Life- Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora