Chapter 25: Bow, Arrows, and Secrets

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"Thalia... don't," Annabeth's grip clung onto her arm, pulling her back in her seat, "If you intervene it will only make things worse."

She growled, "That dragon has killed hunters! How do you think a mortal will get past it?" She turned towards her, just as the dragon tried for a second time to eat the young wizard. The Hungarian Horntail clamped its jaws, just missing Harry as he pointed his wand in the air and shouted.

The dragon howled in fury, breathing another gust of deadly flames in his direction.

Annabeth watched the scene for a few moments, just as a broomstick flew overhead. Harry quickly hopped onto it and began taunting the dragon in the air. It only made the Hungarian Horntail even more angry.

"Listen, I know what this dragon is like! It's deadly. And if he isn't quick enough,... even once,..." she snapped her fingers, "Harry's a goner."

Annabeth sighed, knowing the gravity of the situation. After a few minutes of watching, seeing the dragon breathe even larger flames, she nodded, "Alright, don't kill it...

But make sure Harry stays alive."


Hermione's eyes narrowed as Thalia jumped out of her seat at the sight of the dragon, but was quickly pulled back down by her friend Annabeth. They were muttering, it was obvious... but the noise of the crowd made it too hard to hear.

That's when Annabeth turned towards her, saying only a few words, and Thalia began to stand up. She swung a knapsack over her shoulder and left the stands.

She made the split-second decision of grabbing Ron, gesturing for him to come with her.

They followed silently.


"Hermione, what are you doing?" Ron hissed into her ear, but she snapped a murderous glare towards him, quickly shutting him up. They stalked Thalia as she began walking down the stairs and behind the crowded stands.

Once they turned the corner, Hermione lost sight of her for a moment and panicked slightly. But Ron tapped her on the shoulder, and pointed silently towards the blur of black hair disappearing behind another corner.

It continued for a few minutes, watching Thalia weave through the stands, until she stopped nearby two large tents.

"Is she going inside?" Hermione whacked him on the head with her book on Ancient Greece, then turned back towards her.

By that time Thalia squeezed in between the Judge's and another tent; becoming smashed in between the two fabric walls. It was a good hiding spot. The canvas blocked all sight of her except for a bird's eye view and the slight gap in between the tents facing the arena.

"What is she doing?" Hermione glared at her hiding place between the tents, before ducking against the other side of the tent and around the corner.

"Maybe she's just watching the game at a better spot, 'mione. Seamus was always standing up in front of them so they couldn't see..." Ron leaned against the side of the tent as well, the two both took another peak around the corner, their eyes widened.

By the time they had looked back towards her, Thalia was crouched down onto her knees with a sleek silvery bow in her hands...

aimed in the direction of the arena.


Her breathing slowed as her fingers raveled around the feathery tip of the arrow, her grip on the bow seemed to settle as she exhaled. She was in her element, she was a hunter.

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