Chapter 2: "That's right, Wizards" WAIT, WHAT!?

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As Percy marched up the stairs, still tenderly rubbing his stomach, he noticed the fearful look of his girlfriend's face much more closely.

"What's going on? Is Camp Jupiter okay? Was there an attack? Did Octavian finally fall back down again, you're kinda scaring me..." Percy asked various questions at a rapid pace. But Annabeth finally shut him up with a serious glare.

"There's some weird mortal in the Big House."

"Excuse me? You're joking, right?"

"I swear, there's a freakin' stranger in the camp. Chiron's with him right now," Annabeth bit her lip, gazing up towards Percy in need of... reassurance? Her grey eyes warily broke down their usual unreadable persona.This must really be bothering her... he thought.

He swallowed, "Alright, let's go see what he's doing here..."

And Percy swore to the gods, they were in the utmost silence they ever have been, as they walked towards their newly found intruder.


"Lieutenant Grace!" the young girl, no older than 9, wheezed and coughed as she jogged over to her fellow huntress.

Through gritted teeth, she barked back, "How many times have I told you? Do NOT call me that. JUST Thalia." She leaned forward, glaring directly beneath her, towering over the girl.

She squirmed in place, her face growing a bright red, "So-so-sorry..." she stuttered.

Thalia's posture relaxed, her fists no longer clenched, and she suddenly felt a slight remorse scaring one of their new recruits. She pitied her. They found Lucy, a daughter of Hermes, somewhere in the deserts of New Mexico. Apparently an empousa chased her so far out of the city, she became hopelessly lost. But now they found her, and within her first week she angered one of Lady Artemis' closest huntresses.

Thalia nodded, approving her apology, "What is it?"

She nervously tugged at her braids, a new hobby she adopted after another huntress told her to stop biting her fingernails.

"Lady Artemis wants you to deliver word to Camp Halfblood, and join a quest."


"Because apparently they've recently spotted the targeted dragon."

"That one? The one we chased all throughout Europe?" Thalia had to admit, she started to put that dragon on her top 10 Why-won't-you-just-die-so-I-can-kill-you list. They've spent weeks searching, starting from the coast of Spain leading all the way to the corners of Romania. Then what happens? It completely vanishes! POOF! Ha ha, you hunters suck! it seemed to taunt. No beast gets away from the hunters, it's just now possible. And now, they have a lead.

Look out Hungarian Horntail, the hunters are coming for you.


When Percy heard there was a mortal in the Big House, he didn't expect him to be British.

Stupid, right? Percy expected this big, scary dude. Not a middle aged man who had a weird obsession with his polished stick.

But a swift elbow to the gut, which hurt a lot by the way (twice in the same day), and he was successfully shut up.

"I didn't even say anything," he grumbled.

Annabeth turned towards him, her eyes said it all. I know Seaweed Brain, but you had that look on your face that you were about to say something stupid.

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang