Chapter: 6 Aaaand, there goes the train.

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They both immediately turned to Annabeth.

Throwing her hands up in the air with exasperation, Annabeth replied, "Chiron said it was RIGHT here! Platform 9 and 3/4! It doesn't make sense!"

The three of them began pacing the floor. Or more specifically, Annabeth paced the floor and the other two followed hoping to look like they were contributing to a solution.

Scratch that, Thalia actually had an idea. Percy didn't even quite clearly process how he ended up in London in the first place.

Thalia hovered her hand of the "Platform 10 pillar," then her eyes widened in realization.

"It's mist! Or at least some form of mist... it's covering this pillar!"

Percy raised his hand timidly, "So the train is inside that brick column?"

"No, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth playfully punched him in the arm, "that's just our way inside."

And with that, Percy Jackson, the Hero of Olympus, one of the 7, a mighty demigod of the Big Three,... was shoved face first into the brick wall.

Funny thing was? He fell straight through it.


"Blimey, Harry!" Ron tapped urgently for his attention, "It's that girl who almost ran into our trolleys! And... that boy looks like you!"

Ron was right. When he peered out of the window of their cart, he noticed three strange people.

The first was a guy around 17 or 18 years old. Harry gasped. He had the same messy black hair as him. The only other thing he noticed was his athletic build and orange t-shirt before a second person fell onto the platform.

The same girl who almost rammed into their trolleys tripped over the first person and face-planted onto the floor. Ron started to cackle menacingly before Hermione whacked him on the head with a newspaper, shutting him up for good. The girl just then stood up, said something inaudibly, because of the shut windows on the train, brushed some sparkly dust off her jeans. Before heading towards the train, she gave the first boy a good kick in the gut and ran off.

Now Harry got a proper look at her face. She had spiky black hair, which was now ruffled from falling onto the concrete. She suddenly froze to a stop, waiting for her friend. He noticed her electric blue eyes, which were especially striking because of her dark eyeliner. Unlike the first "student," who still sat there lying on the floor, she wore a silver parka, and torn black jeans. Because the jacket was unzipped, he could just barely read the text on her "Death to Barbie" t-shirt. All in all, she sent a chill up Harry's spine. He didn't want to see what would happen if he got on her bad side.

Finally, a third person ran through the wall. Unlike the others, she maintained her dignity and did not fall on the floor. Instead, she stood over the first boy who was still lying on the ground, and offered her hand to pull him up.

Her wavy blonde hair dangled loosely over her shoulders. Harry gulped, she actually was quite beautiful. Even her eyes. No wait... especially her eyes. They were a fierce grey. They absorbed everything, analyzing every movement. All the strangers seemed athletically fit, but she seemed especially smart too. He could just tell. Not just book-smart, but in a perceptive, genius sort of way.

Finally, the first stranger got back up again. Now he could get a look at his face too. Unlike when he could only see his hair, Harry did not see quite a resemblance. His eyes were sea-green, not emerald, like his. And he shared the same tan complexion as the first too, as if he'd basked in the sun for numerous hours. But before he could notice anything more then the blonde and him holding hands, Hermione let out a loud gasp and tapped him on the shoulder.

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