Chapter 10: That's a Lot of Red, Clarisse Would Like it Here.

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Thalia folded her arms, still mildly shaken from the creepy talking hat, "Sir, before we answer... What the Hades is the Triwizard Tournament?"

"Ah, it seems you are slightly in the dark,..." Dumbledore's elbows leaned against the table, his fingers intertwined and hands held together, "You see, the Triwizard Tournament was a school tradition which went on for centuries. It is when three... now four... wizard schools coming from across the globe to compete and join the bonds as wizards internationally. It is quite-"

"I know it's a wizard thing, but what exactly is it?" Thalia gritted her teeth, obviously trying to rush his lecture on its history.

"Well that all depends on the year it is occurring. There will be three parts of the competition. After a student from each school is selected by the Goblet of Fire..."

"You have a flaming cup? Holy Hera what's the reason for that?" Percy perked up, as he snapped out of staring in the hat's presumable direction. He almost seemed to have had been glaring it down.

Dumbledore frowned slightly, seemingly to be the most irritated he could get at the ADHD demigods, "It is part of the tradition. Those who wish to participate place their name in it, and then the cup selects who shall represent each school. Now, as I was saying. After the students are chosen, they all take place in the three planned events or challenges."

Annabeth frowned, as much as she hated to say it, Percy seemed to be the best choice. He has been their leader countless times during the war. Sure, she was obviously the brainiac, but he seemed to have a knack for being in charged based off his history. And even though he may enjoy the peace of not being the spotlight, she had a gut feeling his godly powers would come in handy.

And one thing demigods always know, trust in your instincts.

After a cautious glance towards Thalia, she too understood what she was thinking and nodded slowly.

"Percy should do it." Annabeth gave a small smile towards Dumbledore before looking back at her boyfriend.

Now let's be honest, Annabeth knew that nobody really wanted to have a greater chance at dying a tragic death. But unaware to her, Percy would never doubt Annabeth's logic. Annabeth's gaze softened as she stared into his eyes. Not only did the color of his eyes depict the sea, but their depth. She knew it sounded weird, but if she stared long enough, it almost seemed as if she was drowning in the sea of his gaze. Percy let out a goofy grin and slowly wrapped an arm around her waist showing his trust in her decision.

Yes, he's going to be okay, Annabeth thought, we'll help him along the way.

"Splendid! I shall personally place your name in the cup. No need to worry about the competition 'til then!" Dumbledore stood up from his desk and walked over to the opposite side. He lightly clasped Percy on the back, which did not match his demeanor at all, and chuckled softly.

"I hope you do splendidly, Mr. Jackson. But unfortunately, other than making sure you are the only candidate there is nothing else I can do to help you. It was hard enough for me to convince the other headmasters to invite you, but if they catch my aid in your challenges? Where do you think that would lead?"

The three nodded, as Dumbledore began leading them towards the door.

"Sir, where are we going to sleep?" Annabeth inquired, only then being aware of how exhausted she was.

"Oh yes! Dear me, I almost forgot," Dumbledore turned to one of the portraits lining the bookshelf, "Mr. Wilkins, do show these three to the Gryffindor Tower."

A man in a red robe nodded from inside the painting. Percy stumbled back, "It moves!?"

"Of course it does Seaweed Brain!" Thalia waved her fingers in a 'dazzling' manner, "It's magic."

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now