Chapter 33: Wangoballwime?

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Luckily, there was still just enough time to make a mad dash all the way to Professor Binn's classroom; the almost always half-asleep ghost. Unluckily for Percy, a different random ghost decided it was a marvelous time to appear randomly from one of the closed stalls.

"Oooh! New students!" the ghost cooed, as she turned to bat her eyelashes towards him, "Well, hello there."

Percy was quite taken aback by the ghost randomly appearing from on of the toilets. Now that she hovered in front of them, he noticed she seemed no older than the other students in Hogwarts during her ... erm... death, "Hi," he waved awkwardly.

Hermione rolled her eyes, obviously already acquainted with the ghost, "Hello, Myrtle."

The ghost adjusted her bulky glasses as she began twirl a strand of her hair around her finger, grinning explicitly towards Percy, "Now what are you four doing here... talking about demigods?"

On cue, one of the sinks exploded as Percy exclaimed, "You heard!?"

She shrugged, before she began to giggle, "Of course I did! I was just minding my own business... until you decided to show up," she paused her sulky tone, floating closer towards Percy's face, "Then I saw you three come in... and noticed that you looked really familiar..."

Annabeth intervened, growing tired of the situation as Myrtle began to go off topic, "How much did you hear?"

"Everything," she began to cackle.

Hermione pleaded, "You can't tell anyone, Myrtle... You can't."

Myrtle took one last skeptical look towards Percy, "You really do look familiar...." she took off her glasses to rub the foggy lenses with the sleeve of her school robes, "I'll figure it out..."

Annabeth gestured for Percy to talk to the ghost, realizing he had probably a better chance of keeping her quiet due to the apparent "familiar" appearance he had. After a helpful shove from his girlfriend, he stepped forward, "Please Myrtle... Can't you just keep quiet about what you heard?" He frowned, giving his best puppy-dog face he could possibly muster.

If it was possible, the pale transparent ghost's cheeks reddened, as she became flustered in words, "Aww.... well... alright then!" She winked towards him, which cause Annabeth to look like she was about to strangle her, "See you around, Percy. Feel free to visit my toilet anytime."

And she was gone, disappearing behind another stall.


Harry was buried beneath piles of various pieces of homework for the end of term, as he and Ron sat in the Common Room. Due to Hermione's absence, neither of them had gotten very far...

"Evil, he is," Ron sulked as he sunk deeper into his chair in front of the fireplace, "Snape, springing a test on us on the last day. Ruining the last bit of term with a whole load of studying..."

Harry grumbled in frustration, as half of his essay's ink got smeared due to his sleeve. As much as he hated to admit, now was a time he really wanted one of Rita's enchanted quills. It could probably finish up most of the homework for him. He crumpled the wad of paper in his fist, it now being useless, and tossed it in the fire.

He looked up to find Ron leaning over a table building a card castle out of his deck of Exploding Snap cards. Just as he glanced up, Ron was cautiously attempting to construct the third row of his triangular structure. It was just like Muggle cards, but they would randomly explode... making the game a lot more exciting. It had given Thalia a heart attack when she first tried to play... The cards tended to combust much more commonly when she was around for some reason.

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