Chapter 52: The Shadows

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"Avada Kedavra!"

Harry had jumped out from behind the tomb stone, a column of red energy emitting from his wand just at the same time as the Killing Curse. As the two spells met, red against green, they molded together into a rich, deep gold.

The two demigods stared dumbfounded, as the two battling wizards began to float into the air, drifting to an open space a small distance from Tom Riddle's grave, where no tombstones were nearby. The Death Eaters were in panic, sprinting towards their new location whilst screaming for guidance on what to do.

"Do nothing!" Voldemort cried through gritted teeth. Just as he called out to the Death Eaters, the column of light between his and Harry's wand began to split, beams of light flying through the air, forming a dome-shaped web around the Dark Lord and the Boy-Who-Lived.

Percy nervously glanced towards his cousin, "Err, Nico? Are you doing any of this?"

He shook his head in reply, eyes narrowed in concentration towards the duel.

Beads of light began to mesh together in between the two wands' connection, slowly drifting closer to Harry's wand. But then, Harry tightened his grip onto his wand, and the mass of light began sliding towards Voldemort. And with great pleasure for Percy to say, the Dark Lord looked frightened at the fact of the Gryffindor starting to overpower him.

And when the beads of light touched the Dark Lord's wand, echoing screams of pain cried out into the air, as a ghost-like version of Wormtail's new hand flew into the air, and disappeared.

Voldemort seemed frightened now.

But that wasn't all, the same smoke began to form into a greyish blob, until it grew larger, and into the form of Cedric Diggory.


"I told you, it's not me..." he spat back with slight annoyance, confused at the situation.

Death Eaters circled the outskirts of the golden dome with great befuddlement. Just as the ghost-like (but not so ghost-like, because he wasn't transparent like other spirits) Cedric cried out, "Hold on, Harry."

More spirits began to form from the smoke, an old man, Bertha Jorkins, "All in the order of how long ago they were killed," Nico said.

"By who?" Percy whispered back.

"Him. Tom Riddle. It must be some sort of backfire spell... something," Nico growled in annoyance, "How am I suppose to know? This is wizard schist..."

Ghosts were Nico's forte, so it seemed to agitate him greatly.

When the two turned back towards predicament once again, Harry was surrounded by two ghosts in particular...

"Is that-"

"Lily and James Potter?" Nico sighed, "Yeah. I met them once in the Underworld... nice people."

The ghost-like James Potter, with the same unruly hair as his son's, spoke in an echoing voice. But because of the distance away, the demigods nor Voldemort could hear. Harry nodded his head, then glanced towards Cedric who had spoken to him as well.

Then, a second later, Harry shouted out, "NOW!"

The ghost's began flying in a flurry, distracting Voldemort as Harry had let go from the strange connection. He cast a spell towards a Death Eater sprinting towards him, then continued his escape towards Cedric's body.

It was then that the demigods emerged from the shadows. Harry glanced nervously towards the Triwizard Cup, ready to raise his hand, as Nico gave the trophy a good kick in the wizard's direction.

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