Chapter 47: The Pensieve

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In his defense, Harry was bored out of his mind.

He didn't mean to accidentally open Dumbledore's magic broom cupboard... or whatever it was meant to be.

The smooth, black cabinet just looked out of place, and he was curious to where the light was coming from.

He carefully parted the two cupboards, revealing a silvery basin full of glowing, grey liquid. Little glowing streams of light swam in the different shades of stormy-grey, which hard a scary resemblance to Annabeth's eyes. Ever-spinning with energy.

But the pool - or whatever it was - seemed slow and almost dreamy.

Harry cautiously bent closer as the substance began to spin faster and faster. That is when he saw it... or someone... he recognized vaguely who it was, even though the person seemed quite younger.

By the time the tip of his nose touched the liquid, he was fully submerged into the vision. Harry panicked; he wasn't in Dumbledore's office anymore.


Instead Harry's feet were standing in the middle of a stream. His head spun around, large trees wrapping around the small clearing he now stood in. It wasn't like the Forbidden Forest though, because it was never this bright and sunny. Heck, the weather was much warmer than any time at Hogwarts. So that raised a variety of questions, but first of all... Where was he?

That's when he heard a voice he hadn't recognized before, "You miss being on a quest?"

A second person spoke, "With monsters attacking me every three feet? Are you kidding?"

There was a subtle pause before the person continued,

"Yeah, I miss it. You?"

Harry turned around, finding two people talking on a large rock. A pack of Coke sat between them, which triggered a small memory in the back of his mind about Percy's Christmas gift.

The first person that had spoken looked about 17, possibly 18. A wicked-looking sword sat beside him, half of it being made of a bronze-like material, the other side made of steel. He had blue eyes and blond hair which almost reminded him of Draco's. But what had taken Harry aback was the long, jagged scar along the side of his face.

The second person looked very familiar. He was around 12 years old, with unruly black hair quite similar to Harry's. It wasn't until the wind blew his hair out of his eyes until Harry knew exactly who he was.

Those sea-green eyes.

That was Percy Jackson.


Harry didn't know what to think. He didn't even know where he was. 'Was this a dream?... No,' he told himself, 'It seems much more real than a dream...' But of course, he's had dreams before which felt real too... Counting the ones about Voldemort.

He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed the first person continue to talk again towards the younger Percy, "I've lived at Half-Blood Hill year-round since I was fourteen. Ever since Thalia ... well, you know. I trained, and trained, and trained. I never got to be a normal teenager, out there in the real world. Then they threw me one quest, and when I came back, it was like, 'Okay, ride's over. Have a nice life.'"

'Thalia? What happened to her?' Harry frowned, wadding through the stream to look at them more closely. It was odd they hadn't noticed him before; just talking like he wasn't even there.

Percy (younger Percy) looked extremely offended as the teenager crumpled his Coke in one hand before chucking it into the water. Harry crinkled his nose in distaste before he continued talking.

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