Chapter 23: The First Task (Part 1)

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The day of the First Task had finally come. In the middle of lessons, an early afternoon, all of the students and guests alike were herded into the Great Hall.

Professor McGonagoll quickly calmed then down, catching sight of the champions within 10 minutes, then began to lead them out of the Great Hall and towards the grounds of the castle.

Percy paled and looked back at Annabeth. She chuckled, knowing his plead for reassurance all too well, "You'll be fine Seaweed Brain! Just remember what we practiced!" and being the caring girlfriend she was, shoved him straight forward and out the door (with a little help from Thalia... oh wait, scratch that... the majority of kicking him out was his lovable cousin).

It was pretty quiet, mostly because Harry was the only person he had time to get to know, but he was dragging behind having a small conversation with Professor McGonagall.

So that gave Percy the awkward task of grinning like a mad-man, trying to get Krum to at least smile while giving him the thumbs up. He may have been a little too desperate for some friendly gesture because it only creeped him out more.

That's when Fleur dragged him aside... literally. His heels were stuck in the muddy dirt as she pulled him over to the side of the trail. Hagrid's Hut was spotted nearby... 'Wow, we've been walking really fast,' Percy's ADHD kicked in, 'Ah stop getting distracted! You've just been abducted by a Nymph-Witch person!'

"Wai- What?" he jumped off his train of thought, "Oh, hey!" The two champions were now knee-deep in wildgrass and overgrowth, but that didn't seem to bother the witch. She seemed a bit like Drew,.... always into looking her best.

But much to the 'pretty girl' reputation she seemed to hold, she didn't seem fully aware of the mud she was standing in. In fact, she was actually overcome with anger. Her face red with fury as she slapped him across the cheek.

"Ow!" Percy massaged his face, just above his jaw, "Wha' was that for?"

"You know damnz well! You inzufferable... inzufferable," she then rambled a few words in french which didn't seem to be PG, "Why would you zpread rumorz to that mizerable hag?"

Percy's eyes widened, "Oh! The Daily Prophet article?"

She slapped him again, "Why elze would I be talking to you? Liar!"

Fleur began to raise her arm for a third time, but Percy took a step back waving his hands in the air to stop her, "Woah woah! I didn't spread any rumors! Honestly, I'm a little mad about it myself," he then blurted out, "I have a girlfriend!"

Fleur's eyes narrowed skeptically, "Iz zis' the truth?" Percy nodded, wincing as he continued to rub his recent bruise.

She nodded, her stiffened posture now relaxed, the wrath she had shown before now dying away, " 'Zen let'z teach zis' hag a lesson. Together we'll make zure she never zpeaks ill of anyone ever again!" A wicked, mischievous gleam appeared in the corner of her eye.

To be quite honest, Percy was pretty sure he'd never see her as some dainty princess ever again. She almost reminded him of Annabeth. Her intuition and calculated glares she would occasionally give were all too well known to him.

Percy smiled, "You know, I think Harry would like some payback too." Fleur couldn't help but join into his laughter,

"Oh, yez! Hiz waz the' worst!"


The competitors have only been in the tent for a couple moments when a man with blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a tan complexion walked into the room, "Ah! Looks like you're all here,... well then, let's get started shall we?"

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