Chapter 12: Percy found Food

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Harry had a restless slumber, tossing back and forth. Yet again, he had been having the same repetitive dream haunting him. And the question began to form, tugging at the back of his mind... was Voldemort really at the Riddle House?

"Psst! Psst! Harry, you've got to wake up!" a small, almost silent voice hissed in his ear. And to the sound of someone hovering over him, he did the logically thing. He jolted back in surprise, nearly tumbling off his mattress. He hopelessly tried to grip onto his pillow, only dragging it down with him as he landed on the floor with a slight 'thud.'

He groaned, now laying on the floor but his feet still propped up on the bed,  stuck in the quilts and blankets wrapped around his ankles because of the tossing and turning, "What is it Hermione?" he asked drowsily, with slight irritation.

"Get Ronald, and meet me down in the Common Room!" she hissed yet again, as she leaned over the other side of his bed to be able to see him on the floor. Harry nodded, knowing it was of some urgency if Hermione purposely woke them up and the worry in her rushed tone.

As Hermione rushed back down the stairs, Harry began to shuffle over towards Ron's bed, and after swiftly swatting his head with his pillow, followed Hermione downstairs. As he made his first step down, resting his chin slightly on his pillow which he still hugged over his stomach, he heard a small 'ow!' from Ronald's direction

With a light 'thud' from the last step, he looked up to find Hermione in her usual chair. It was in the far corner of the room, strategically placed next to a "desk," or as strangers would think of it, a really oddly tall coffee table. But it suited Hermione. Even the first years (even though it was their very first day) have been accustomed to always finding the queer, yet smartest witch of the century in her usual spot. And nobody, NOBODY, dared touch the table. The Gryffindors knew better than to touch Hermione's homework, which were scattered over the table's surface - especially after the Weasley twins thought it clever to turn it into different varieties of colorful wax. Fred came back the next day with an an elephant snout, and George didn't stop tap dancing for a week.

She frowned, trying to rub off a splotch of ink which dried into a crusty spot onto the table. Using her fingernails she managed to scratch it off, but her thumb was now coated with a dark shade of indigo along with her fingernails. Finished with her small task, she looked up at Harry in a grim and melancholy tone. The rain, best suiting the mood, made a repetitive 'tap tap' against the windows. The dark night sky retreating up to the heavens, as a warm red just started to touch the horizon.

Ron rubbed his eyes, as he just made it down the stairs and sat in front of the fireplace, it still crackling furiously as it warmed the entire tower, "Whatcha doing waking up this early Hermione? This better not be to drag us to the library..."

She rolled her eyes, her elbows now resting onto the desk, "Of course you had to complain about the library, Ronald! And no, for your information, it isn't about that. But I do intend to drag you there later," Despite her annoyance, she managed a hush tone, "It's actually about last night."

"Did the two Americans show up in your dormitory?" Harry jumped in, as he sat down onto the sofa.

"Wha- How did you know that?"

Ron nervously held his wand in hand, as he leaned forward, "The American with the tattoo was in our room. There was a fifth bed and everything..."

Hermione's eyes widened, as she began to sit upright in her chair, "Just like the two girls were in our dormitory!"

"Maybe it's just for the Triwizard Tournament..." Harry muttered hopefully.

She shook her head, "I managed to see inside one of their bags -"

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now