Chapter 14: Malfoy Gets Punched in the Face

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"Oi, big guy!" Thalia snapped her fingers to grab Crabbe's attention, "I wouldn't try to pick him up if I were you. Boy-ferrets are feisty," she rolled her eyes as if that piece of information were obvious. Crabbe was bent down, about to pick up the white ferret before Moody whirled back around to face them.

During which, Percy and Annabeth raised an eyebrow towards Thalia, "What?" she shrugged, "Sometimes she gets a little cranky, and has to do something to blow off her steam. Turning nuisances into animals is just one of our activities. Blame Circe for giving 'er the idea." Thalia continued to look down at her nails, which weren't painted, but still a distracting activity.

"Not so fast, you!" Moody began, before raising his wand, and levitated the ferret 10 feet up into the air. He'd drop it, only to do so again. During which, Professor McGonagall stormed down the hall.

"Professor Moody!" her tone seemed infuriated, "Just what do you think you are doing? Is- is that a student?"

"Teaching 'im a lesson. Not right to fire a spell while an opponent's back is turned," he continued to flick his wand, as the ferret levitated up and down.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips until they were so thin, Harry swore she didn't have a mouth at all. He knew she seemed quite irritated at Professor Moody, but still, he did enjoy seeing Draco-Ferret whizzing back and forth in the air.

The fun didn't last, McGonagall rose her own wand, and whilst the ferret sat on the floor, it quickly turned back into the humanoid Malfoy.

She then faced Moody, "Professor Moody, I believe Dumbledore has told you on multiple occasions, Transfiguration is not used as a punishment."

"Might've mentioned it..." he muttered as his fake eye began to spin wildly, almost out of control.

The laughter in the crowd soon died, as McGonagall glared at the students, most who quickly walked away as she had arrived. Still, there were multiple smirks and snickers at the scene. Mostly from Fred, George, Ron, Harry (Hermione looked pleased, but decisively took McGonagall's side), and Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth.

"Then you will do best to remember that," she whirled around, in her usual emerald green robes and left the hall. Moody spat out his tongue as she walked away, then left as well.

Malfoy whimpered, then glared at the three, "You'll pay for that Potter," he spat before making a quick dash towards the end of the hall with Crabbe and Goyle.

As they left, Harry turned towards the Weasley twins, "Did you have his class yet?"


"It was...


"amazing," the last word was said in unison as the three grinned excitedly.

"Really? What did you learn?" Hermione stepped forward, a wad of books grasped tightly against her chest.

"Can't tell ya," the one on the left had said (presumably George).

"But it was absolutely wicked," the second replied.

"And we don't have him 'till Thursday!" Ron grumbled, holding his schedule in hand.


For Annabeth, the week had flown by quickly. She was especially intrigued with Transfiguration (after learning how to use her wand, with some help from Parvati), and after the first couple days, seemed to be one of McGonagall's favorites, much to Hermione's dismay.

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