Chapter 31: Riddle Me This...

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"Harry!" Hermione grabbed onto his hand, receiving a startled look from Ron just as they were about to tell the Fat Lady the password after Divination, "Harry the greatest thing has happened! You've got to come - you've got to!"

"What's the matter?" Harry asked in a startled tone, as she began dragging him back down the stairs, with Ron quickly following to not miss out on the fun.

"I'll show you, come on!" she continued dragging him across the corridors, as the two boys spotted a recognizable portrait to their far left.

"Oh, Hermione! Please tell us you're not dragging us to the kitchens for that S.P.E.W. club of yours!"

She hurriedly spat back at Ron, "You'll see in a minute, just follow me!"

The portrait opened after Hermione awkwardly tickled it on its chin, still grabbing hold of Harry's arm, just as Dobby stepped up to greet them.

"Why, if it isn't Harry Potter, sir!"

"Hello again, Dobby!" Harry replied, just managing to jerk out of Hermione's grip.

"You... you know he was working in the kitchens already?" Hermione frowned, obviously disappointed in the failed surprise.

Dobby waved towards her, "Hello Miss Granger, and back so soon! Mister Potter and Master Jackson visit in the early morning, usually every few weeks..."

Ron glanced worriedly towards Hermione, the two looking a bit scared as Ron's voice quivered, "What is he talking about?"

Harry shrugged, obviously not finding the worry in his two friends' tones, "Percy has nightmares too apparently... so sometimes we both head off to the kitchens... the foods real good... and we get to say hi to Dobby every one in a while."

Dobby waved a second time, showing off his neon yellow mittens, "Master Jackson is Harry's friend. Harry Potter's friends are always welcome." He grinned wildly at the three, as only Harry returned the smile.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other sharing concerned glances once more, obviously finding Percy's time with Harry awfully mysterious.

"Dobby has traveled two years looking for work," Harry nodded as Dobby continued to explain, already listening during one of their times in the kitchen; when Percy found the kind house-elf's history quite interesting, "But Dobby hasn't found work, because Dobby wants paying now!"

Hermione and Ron walked a few steps behind Harry, as their faces grew pale, still thinking about the fact that they had never noticed such the amount of time Percy the "Auror," spent with Harry. It was quite obvious that the trust Ron had built in the past few days quickly crumpled. And Hermione hadn't even begun to build such trust... it was clear she wasn't going to start now.

Harry continued to listen intently, as Dobby's squeaky voice chirped with quite excitement, "And Professor Dumbledore says he will pay Dobby, sir, if Dobby wants paying! And Dobby is a free elf, sir, and Dobby gets a Galleon a week and one day off a month!"

Hermione quickly snapped back into reality, "What about you, Winky?" Her eyes darted towards another house elf in the kitchens, who had been crying her eyes out and quickly stopped, only to look at the three angrily.

"Winky is a disgraced elf, but Winky is not yet getting paid!" her voice quivered, as she started to sob again, "Winky is not sunk so low as that! Winky is properly ashamed of being freed!"

"Ashamed?" Hermione looked extremely confused, "But- but why? Mister Crouch was treating you awfully!"

"You is not insulting Mr. Crouch! Mr. Crouch was right to sack bad Winky!" Unlike Dobby, the house-elf still wore her ragged sack as clothing, and used it to hurriedly dab her eyes filled with tears.

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora