Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor

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"Scared, Prissy?" Clarisse spat. Even though they had begun to consider themselves on friendlier terms, she refused to abandon her number-one-perfect-for-every-occasion nickname.

Percy smirked, flashing a sly, crooked grin as he eyed her spear. In between subtle crackles of electricity, he raised his sword and leveled it in a slightly too comfortable fighting stance. "You wish."

Some of the new campers wisely took a few steps back. Some of them just stood there, petrified with the two wickedly glaring at one another. While the rest of the few began muttering '5 drachmas on the one with the spear' or vice versa.

That's when the two weapons clashed. Vigorously 'clanging' together. A blur of pure precision (which is what you would expect from senior campers who were still alive after two wars). At least until Clarisse had gotten bored, and decided to use brute force. And by brute force, meaning punching Percy in the gut. A few cackles and grumbling occurred as the subtle 'clinking' of the godly coins were heard through the crowd. 

He raised an eyebrow, "Really, Clarisse?" he rubbed his stomach, then grumbled, "This is suppose to be a sword demonstration! But if you really want a fight..."

Clarisse lunged again, with a familiar look of triumph in her eyes. "Give it your best shot," she seemed to say. After two.. three... four... great strides towards him, she slipped and landed face first in a puddle of water.

"You know, someday I'll gut you like a fish," she now rested her elbows on the cold, stone floors of the amphitheater. Even though she did not rise from her position immediately, she continued glaring daggers in his direction. Her face only faltered when he began to raise both hands.

"Jackson don't you dare-," the water cut her off. The pool of water, now seeping through the soles of the new campers' shoes, rose into a 3 foot tall wave. The wave soared towards Clarisse, who just then jumped off of the floor. Standing up only to be shoved down again, and stumbled / rolled straight into the crowd of campers.

"At least I didn't break your spear." Percy chuckled lightly, then offered his hand as he walked towards Clarisse, still drenching wet and sitting on the floor.

"Is it always like this between you two?" barked Melody, one of the new campers. Her grey, tenacious eyes spectating the sword-fighting. By that time, the kids who stumbled onto the floor regained their balance. Only Melody swerved off to the side quick enough with a couple of her newly-founded friends, and then scowled while muttering 'idiots.' Percy always thought she was taking the "I'm smarter than all of you" Athena trait a little to seriously, but would never admit it aloud.

Before he could respond, he caught sight of Annabeth's blonde hair on top of the amphitheater stairs. He immediately and subconsciously grinned, just the sight of her caused his heart to flutter. She jogged towards them, not even stopping to a halt before shouting, "Percy! Chiron wants us in the Big House!"

"Should I round up the rest of the counselors?" Percy shouted back, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice throughout the camp. Much to Clarisse's dismay, because she stood literally right next to him. She covered her ears a little too slowly, and just glared at Percy deviously. Luckily she did not pulverize him with her spear, which was now crackling dangerously. She only glanced at him quickly and then started rounding up the campers to continue the lesson.

Annabeth bit her lip, obviously troubled, "No. He only wanted the two of us... I'm not sure what that's about. But I bet it's trouble." She glanced down, meeting his gaze, as if having a mini mental conversation.

Do we have to go? Please let it not be another quest... Percy's sea-green eyes pleaded silently.

I know, I hate it too... Annabeth rested her arm against one of the Doric columns lining the amphitheater. But you have to get up here.

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora