Chapter 55: Departure

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"Nico! Where were you? I've been looking for you all day!" Annabeth sighed in relief.

"Yeah, about that... I may or may not be a Wizard fugitive tomorrow..."

"What!?" she hissed, trying her best to lower her voice as the crowd began to thicken in front of the Great Hall doors. All of the students were waiting in preparation for the Leaving Feast this year, but the doors hadn't opened yet. Therefore, the two demigods were stuck in a massive crowd.

"Fudge doesn't think Voldemort's back... So he pinned it on me... I shadow-traveled a bit, here and there, and apparently he thought I wasn't stupid enough to come back to Hogwarts. I shook him off the trail - Do I even look like a Death Eater?"

"Well, uh - Where's Percy? He's missing too..."

"Right here," Percy seemed to have just returned from the lake, due to the seaweed which was still stuck in his hair. Annabeth carefully flicked it off his head.

Percy still seemed deep in thought, but fortunately, he looked somewhat better than before.

"Hey," she rested a hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?"

He smiled, somewhat forcefully, "Never better."

Before they could say anymore, the Great Hall's doors swung open.


The Leaving Feast wasn't going to be festive, that was for sure. The three demigods walked side-by-side and were one of the first to notice that there were no unusual decorations. The halls looked greatly ordinary, except for the fact that all the House banners over each of the tables were replaced with pitch-black ones.

This wasn't a celebration. It was quite clear.

This was a feast to honor their recently departed friend: Cedric Diggory.

"The end of another year," Dumbledore began, "There is much I would like to say to you all tonight, but I must first acknowledge the loss of a very fine person who should be sitting here enjoying our feast with us," he gestured mainly towards the Hufflepuff table, "Cedric Diggory."

The silence of Dumbledore's speech allowed the perfect gap so Cho Chang's sobbing was audible. Stifled cries were heard from the Ravenclaw table.

"However, I for one, think you all deserve to know how our dear friend died, even though the Minister does not believe I have the right to tell you...

Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort."


The feast was rather silent after Dumbledore's lengthy speech.

It was so silent, the talking amongst the tables ever-so bare, that Percy's shoes could be heard as he left the hall.

Though everyone was in a state of mourning that nobody seemed to bother to follow him.

Annabeth sighed. She looked across the table towards Harry, who's head was dipped low, not even bothering to eat. Nico sat beside her, sharing a similar look of concern.


"My, my..." Moaning Myrtle hummed, "It feels like it was quite long ago..."

Percy waited as patiently as he possibly could, "Well? Do you remember?"

"Let's see..." the ghost's face came nose-to-nose towards Percy's, although supposedly answering a question, she certainly was taking her time.

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