Chapter 43: Strangers in the Forest

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Annabeth muttered under her breath, "That makes sense," then, raising her head to look back at Fleur, "But how do we know for sure?"

Fleur bit her lip, then, sheepishly fished a small vial out of her pocket. It reminded Percy of some of the little glass containers used for potions, which was barely wide enough to fit your thumb inside. "I may has... I might have... caught 'er."

Percy's eyes narrowed as he looked closer at the glass vial, and that is when he noticed the black beetle with green-tinged wings desperately banging against the glass.

"Oh. my. gods," Thalia began to cackle, "She's in there?"

Seeing a positive reaction from someone in the group, Fleur's guilty expression turned into a wide smile, "Zis morning, before ze competition, I waz getting ready. Zat is when I noticed eet." She gestured back towards the container, giving it a thorough shake to rattle the insect inside, "Do not fret, for zere eez a charm zo ze cannot tranzform back..."

Harry stared at the tiny imprisonment with wide eyes, and a mouth slightly agape, then finally, after a few moments he finally spoke aloud,

"Well, at least we won't have to worry about her anymore..."


"So, it was Hermione's idea? She really is clever..." Percy chuckled, before stuttering quickly after, "Of course not as smart as you."

Annabeth nodded in approval, "That's right, Seaweed Brain. Apparently Hermione threatened to expose her illegal animagus form to the ministry if she wrote anymore papers... Fleur was also quite pleased with herself, especially after not getting past the Second Task..." Her grey eyes filled with sorrow, thinking back on the experience a few months ago, "We won't have to worry about it anymore."

Of course "it" was supposedly referring to Skeeter, but the two demigods knew it had deeper meaning. The Second Task may have been a success, but there was an element of fear... Something the two hadn't expected. They were just so sure it was going to be easy...

The two walked past Hagrid's Hut with their arms linked together, gazing at the pink clouds touching the surface of the lake. Stars began to flicker from behind them, as the Sun's crest slowly disappeared from view. There was a chilly breeze, but it was still an exceptionally warm evening due to their parka jackets, and the reputation of the chilly winter which had ended shortly before.

Ludo Bagman was waiting for Percy and the other champions at the entrance of the Quidditch field, which eerily felt abandoned. The massive golden hoops and wooden, rickety stands were barely acknowledged, because in the center of the field were the start of abnormally large hedges being grown in a winding, perpendicular and parallel fashion. The overgrowth of the plants barely made it to Percy's shoulder, but it seemed that the hedges shouldn't be there... this field being a sports arena for broomsticks and all, not creepy plants.

Harry quickly sprinted towards them as well, and he too, also looked confused at the beginning of hedges being planted. That is when Bagman decided it was time for his oh-way-too-predictable speech,

"Now, now, don't worry! You're quidditch field will be as good as new once the Triwizard Tournament is over," he paused, grinning madly at the confused champions, "A maze... good idea, no? The third task's really very straightforward. The Triwizard Cup will be placed in the center of the maze. The first champion to touch it will receive full marks."

"Zat is it? We go through?" Fleur frowned, inching away from the brambles and thorns of one particularly ugly area of brush.

"There will be obstacles, no doubt! I believe Hagrid has a few animals he will be placing in the maze... and of course... other nasty surprises. But I guess that's all you need to know... Any questions?... Good!... Well, I guess that's that! I'll see you all at the competition!" And with that, the wizard left.

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now