Chapter 15: Goblet Barfs up some Names

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Hermione paused, gripping onto the banister, "I want to see if Percy and Annabeth have the same coins in their luggage."

"You want us to look through his stuff? Merlin's Beard! What if he catches us?" Ron threw his hands up in the air with disbelief.

Hermione gritted her teeth, "It's better than not knowing what they're up to, is it?"


"SURPRISE!" Fred and George both jumped out from behind the corner, making all three demigods jump in shock.

"Di Immortales!" Thalia slipped onto the floor, falling onto her back, "Owww..." she groaned.

"Today's yer' lucky day!" the first one chimed.

"You get to see"


"get past the Age Line!" the two simultaneously waved their hands in a 'jazz hand' sort of way, just as Thalia stood back up again.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow, "And just how are you going to do that?"

The twins raised a small potion flask up in the air, "With this lil' beauty."

Percy frowned, "Isn't that an Age Potion?" Annabeth nodded. Percy had been surprisingly good at recognizing and creating potions, which practically drove Professor Snape insane. No matter how hard it was to create, or how sloppy his cursive, Percy just kind of threw in the ingredients he wanted. And what were the results? Nonetheless perfect. It must've been a Son of Poseidon sort of thing...

"Correct again, Cauldron Master!" Fred chuckled, after coining the clever name during Percy's second class with Snape.

Annabeth smirked, "Good luck with that. I heard Dumbledore drew it himself," she crossed her arms, staring at the two.

"Oh we'll see," the two mischeviously grinned. 'Gods, they were so much like the Stolls,' Percy thought.

Thalia gave them a thumbs up before barking, "Well watcha waitin' for? Give it a go!"

The twins were closely followed by the demigods, as they raced towards the Goblet. They gulped down the potion, while clinking the two flasks together, "Bottoms up!"

They stepped past the Age Line, receiving a few cheers from the people standing by. Then, they slowly walked towards the Goblet, its blue flames dancing inside. When they dropped the parchment, they froze for a few seconds, waiting for something to happen.

"Yeah!" they cheered, giving each other a high five.

Then, a millisecond later, the Goblet's flames burst out quicker, and with a blinding flash it caused a crackling 'BOOM!'

When Percy managed to see once again, squinting because of the sudden change of light, he burst into laughter.

Fred and George got back up, with mangy grey beards and hair. And being the loving brothers they were, began tackling each other on the floor.

"You said this was going to work!"

"That's what you said!"

They continued to bicker, before they too exploded into laughter. Even Dumbledore chuckled, who was silently watching the entire thing with amusement by the doorway.


Hermione quickly led them back up the stairs, towards the Gryffindor common room. Once they got inside, the three walked up towards the boy's dormitory.

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now