Chapter 19: Weighing of Wands

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"Isn't this comfortable, wouldn't want prying eyes to be a distraction now would we?" Skeeter pushed aside a broom, before leading Percy inside and shoving the door.

It was really crammed, that's all he had to say. He couldn't last five seconds without a broomstick falling on top of him, he had to hold his hands out to hold the clutter upwards, as he crouched down onto the floor.

Rita Skeeter made herself quite at home, leaning against a small window in the far-corner of the closet, "Now let's get started! Do you mind me using my enchanted quill? It's far much easier..."

"Enchanted?" Percy raised an eyebrow.

Apparently Rita took that as a 'Yes! Of course!' because she began digging through her purse, "Splendid!" She quickly retracted her hand, as a piece of parchment and acid-green feather floated up into the air. She rested her hands on her lap as she spoke while eyeing the parchment, "Testing... testing... this is Rita Skeeter, reporter for the Daily Prophet."

Percy couldn't see what the quill scribbled down due to his dyslexia, but apparently it pleased her. "Perfect! Now let's begin,..." she showed him another toothy grin, which momentarily distracted Percy.

'Did she not floss or something? What's with the gold teeth?' I wonder if she's a pirate or something... his ADHD took over, because he had no idea what she just said. Sure, he saw her mouth moving, which caught his attention even further with the teeth chattering and clamping together, but he didn't fully process that she was talking to him until she froze while waiting for an answer.

Percy was shaken back to reality, his face showing utmost confusion, "What?"

She clamped her jaw, "I was just asking, why did you join the Tournament? Fame? Money? Perhaps a girl?" she raised an eyebrow amusingly at the last suggestion.

"Errr..." What was he suppose to say? 'Actually, Dumbledore sent me in case Harry decides to drop-dead this year.' Then an idea popped into his head, "In America my family is quite well-known, so I hoped to make my father proud."

She muttered something about 'boring,' before she continued, "How well do you know all the competitors? Do you see them as friends... or archenemies?"

Percy leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "Harry and I have gotten to know each other because we are both in the Gryffindor Tower... but I've got to admit, I haven't met much of anybody else."

"What about," Rita leaned in closer, as if sharing gossip, "Fleur Delacour?"

Percy looked a little stunned from the question, "What about her? She seems nice..."

Rita leaned over to check the parchment, smiled, then looked back towards him,

"Right, that's all we need!"

"Wait, what? You asked me literally two questions!" But to be honest, Percy wasn't really complaining. He just didn't understand if this is how normal interviews work.

She swung open the broom cupboard's door.


Hermione began flipping through the pages frustratedly.

"Honestly, I go through the entire library and there is nothing... NOTHING about this!?" she scowled, as she slammed the gold coin onto the table.

Ron peaked from behind the corner, looking up warily towards his friend, surrounded in books inside a tiny alcove of the Hogwarts library.

"I found something..." he said softly. 'Damn, why am I even saying this? All this is going to do is help Harry in the Tournament! But Hermione 'ought to know... these strangers are much more secretive than they seem,' before he can reason with himself for much longer, Hermione caught sight of him.

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora