Chapter 24: The First Task (Part 2)

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The crowd erupted into a thunderous applause as Percy stood on the centered pedestal in the middle of the arena.

Okay, that may be an exaggeration on his part, it was just a really big chunk of rock.

But it did feel pretty cool standing in the middle of the clearing, having people clapping furiously no matter where he turned. They were all facing him.

"Yeah!" he cheered, before lifting the golden egg higher up into the air. But before he could do anymore, the rock beneath him shifted.


The stone crumpled beneath his feet as it began to slant sideways and fall onto the hard, earthy floor. Percy lost his footing, and rolled down with the rubble.

'Oh styx,' he limped a few feet back with his injured leg, as the dragon bashed the rock a second time before standing up in a delirious trance, 'Gods, he really does like to hit his head, doesn't he?'

Percy fingers clung tightly onto the golden egg, refusing to let go, as his other hand reached for Riptide. But luckily, he didn't have to retrieve his weapon.

Unbeknownst to him throughout the battle, the dragon's hind legs were quickly swept up from underneath the massive beast. Percy blinked, noticing the rusty chains pulling the dragon backwards.

He used his smaller, but still large, front talons to claw the dirt. Still trying to eat the tasty demigod treat until the dragon disappeared back into the depths of the woods...

Probably to be stuffed back up in its cage.

Percy quickly snapped out of his split-second terror of being gobbled up again, as Bagman's voice projected over the screaming fans, "What a game, everybody! Give it up for our American wizard, Percy Jackson!" he emphasized his name, as the cheering quadrupled, "Now that'll be a hard time to beat, he's pretty much claimed first place... Now are guys ready for the next champion?" the crowd's cheers emerged from the stands again, as Percy tried his best to maneuver his way back to the tent.

Now, Percy probably knows what you're all thinking... He just defeated a dragon... and he is currently leaving a nasty trail of blood with every footstep he took.... So he is probably stressed out right now, right?


'Gods, that guy really sounds like a baseball referee doesn't he? I can practically hear the music...'

Yep, distractions clotted into his brain as he stumbled over towards a motherly Madam Pomfrey.

"Merlin's Beard!" she gasped by the time Percy arrived back in the infirmary tent, "Now we'll get that fixed up, don't worry!" she began hastily rummaging through bandages, tending to his injury. She continued to bicker and gripe about the dangers of dragons so much, that Percy barely heard who was going to enter the arena next. Bagman's referee voice snapped him out of deep thought,

"Cedric Diggory!"


Harry had the nerve to peak from behind the tent's curtains, just in time to see the dragon try to eat Percy for a third time.

Luckily, the chains dragged it away, somewhere deep within the Forbidden Forest.

That's when Fleur tapped him softly on the shoulder, he quickly whirled around.

"You are no fan of ze Daily Prophet article, yez?"

Harry's face grew red, "No. And if you're here to ask, I don't sob under my covers whenever I go to sleep at night," he retorted, but she merely laughed.

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