Chapter 26: Wise-Girl Saves the Day

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"Go ahead then, explain." Hermione rested her hands on her hips as well, the two witty teenagers having a mini stare-down.

Thalia and Ron were smart enough to take a step back, the four now forming an awkward circle.

"Wouldn't want anyone else to hear,..." Annabeth's eyes darted back and forth, glaring at the crowd now rising from their seats, "Let's go someplace more private, shall we?" She waved her hand behind her, pointing at the thick layers of trees in the Forbidden Forest. But Thalia guessed she wasn't just wasting time for no good reason... oh no...

She was stalling. She was coming up with a plan.

Thalia had to be honest, she had complete faith in her at this point. When two wizards accuse you of murder, who do you go to first for help? Annabeth. When you're being held captive by some wacky cyclops, who's the 6-year old who stabs him in the foot? Annabeth. When Zeus recognized the wreckage caused from the Titan War, who's Olympus' new architect? Annabeth.

Well, you guys get the idea. Heck, that wasn't even mentioning all she's done during the Giant War. But for the sake of sanity, let's just brush past that topic.

Thalia gripped onto her bow tightly, walking side-by-side with Annabeth. But the two only stared forward, not managing to make eye contact. At least until Annabeth's face formed into a small smile.

She had an idea.

She led them behind a particularly thick layer of brush, now not too far from the arena, but still a good enough distance not to be heard.

"Now, let's get down to business," Annabeth took one last look past the brush, then stared back at the three circling around her, "I bet you guys are a little suspicious right now, aren't you?"

Ron rolled his eyes, "We've got more than one question, if that's what you mean," out of the corner of Thalia's eye, she noticed him reaching inside his robes, presumably to ready his wand for a fight.

"There's no needs for violence, Ronald," the Daughter of Athena glared venomously at his right hand, buried within his robes. He sheepishly withdrew his arm, casually rubbing the back of his neck.

Hermione broke the silence, still glaring towards the two, "How could Dumbledore let you into the school?" Even though the question was innocent enough, it was obvious there were multiple other accusations laced between the simple words.

'How could you lie to all of us?'

'How did you get away with all of it?'

'... Are you working for Voldemort?'

"Listen Hermione..." Annabeth caught onto her hostile tone, "It's not what you're thinking... We're here to protect Harry, not kill him."

"And what makes you qualified to do that? Harry can take care of himself!" Ron barked.

Thalia stepped in, "Oh yeah? You think I just risked our whole operation for no reason? What makes you think he would've gotten past that dragon, especially that close up without getting hurt if I wasn't there? You think normal spells would've worked on that dragon, do you? That arrow is the only reason why Harry's still standing!" Ron's face paled, before glaring down at his shoes.

After a moment of silence Annabeth brought them back to reality, "Right, going back to the first question... We are qualified to protect Harry because..." she paused, just enough time for Thalia to send her a look of desperation. Was she really going to give away their secret?

Annabeth understood, but the look of disapproval wasn't needed,

"Because we're Aurors."


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