5 years later

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I had just got off of my flight to la to meet up with Ash. Long story short, we just weren't working out and we broke up. We were both totally cool with it, and have stayed friends since then. But while we were dating Asshole grabbed my ass and i kicked him in the dick, but then Ash came and beat the fuck out of him, so they are no longer friends.

Haleigh moved about 3 years ago, and I've kind of lost touch with her. But because we talk sometimes i know that she's still going strong with Corbyn.

Jonah and Zach agreed that dating while in a band together does not really work out, but there friends with benefits.

Winter died of cancer about a year ago, but the whole time i had known her she was fighting it, she just never talked about it. Daniel still is sensitive about that subject, and has not had a girlfriend since, but he still loves music, and can have a good time.

Jack. As soon as Ash and i broke up he was all i could think of. I couldn't come back to him though. One because of the dramatic effect, and two because Sammy fucking made her way back into his life and is now dating him.

It was the day before my 18th birthday, and tomorrow i was going to face Jack, and Sammy. I doubt that he remembers the plan, honestly i wouldn't if i were him. But i just don't know.

I pulled up to Ashes house, (i don't remember if his sister was Sammy or not, idk if i made that plot twist, but in this he's not, sorry if i am contradicting myself.)

Before i could even press the doorbell he ran outside and gave me the biggest hug. Did I mention he got hotter, and his muscles got bigger, and he got taller? Well he did.

Jkjk, i would never go for Ash, hes just a friend, but i mean, i can't say hugging him dosen't make me feel all warm inside.

"How have you been? Its been like 2 months since ive seen you and thats too damn long." He said and i laughed.

"Pretty good, but i did miss the awesome cooking." I said and walked into his house to say hi to his grandma, who by the way happens to be a retired gourmet cook.

"Hey grams." I say and she turns around with oven mitts on and hobbles her way over to give me a hug.

"Autumn sweetie, hows it been, have you been good, have they fed you well?" She said and I chuckled a bit.

"Its been amazing! But i did miss the cooking." I said.

"Well your in luck, i have sugar cookies in the oven and im about to make some fried chicken for your last dinner before your a grown woman." She said with a smile on her face, i didn't want to tell her that i had made plans to go out to dinner with the boys. I looked at Ash with pleading eyes.

He groaned then said, "grammy, im so so sorry, but The boys and I had made plans to take Autumn out for dinner at this really good Mexican restaurant. Im so sorry."

"Its fine sweetie." She said, "ill just make an amazing birthday breakfast."

"Id love that very much." I said and smiled.

"Well, we have to get ready, since your flight got delayed two hours we only have 30 more minutes until diner and you have to change." Ash said and we walked upstairs.

"You know, i don't actually have to change, i mean, it is my birthday." I said in a sassy tone as he closed the door.

"You might want to, Jack is gonna be there." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

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