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I woke up and had no clue where i was.

Then i heard footsteps. They were coming closer and closer to the couch.

I slowly crept my head up to see who it was, as soon as i looked i let go of the biggest breath. It was only Jack.

"You ok there?" He asked laughing.

"No, i thought you were a murderer." I said laughing with him.

"Wow, im hurt." He said putting his hand to his heart.

"Good." I said back and he laughed.

"So, what do you all have planned for today?" I asked as Jonah and Corbyn walked in the room.

"Nothing really." Corbyn said and they all sat down on the other couch.

"Well, then now what do we do?" I asked them.

"I dont know." Jack said.

As he said that Daniel and Winter walked in.

I immediately hopped up and ran to give her a hug, because i hadn't seen her in a week.

"Hey Autumn, how are you?"she asked.

"Im great, how are you?" I said asking her as we sat on the couch.

"Great, Daniel and I were just about to go out on a date." She said, but as she said that Daniels eyes got wide and he tried to stop her.

Then all the boys started laughing.

"Oh, im sorry, I didn't know that they didn't know." Winter said to Daniel looking sad.

"Hey, hey, its ok, they had to know at some point." He said sitting down next to her and comforting her.

It was so sweet, but the guys were still laughing, and i was sick of it.

"How about you all shut up." I said standing up and facing them, "just because Daniel can get a girl and treat her right, does not mean thats funny. Sorry y'all can get a girl." I said and did a dramatic hair flip.

I turned around and they looked confused and upset, and they had stopped talking.

I bursted out laughing. "Geese guys, im not a horrible person, that was a joke." I said mid laugh.

"Your one hell of an actress." Jonah said and they all laughed.

"Well, we have to get going." Daniel said helping Winter up. "We will be back around 9." He said and walked off.

"Where are you going?" I asked as they were leaving.

"The peir." He said and then the door closed.

I turned to the guys. "You thinking what im thinking?" I asked.

They nodded.

We all simultaneously said "LETS CRASH THEIR DATE!" Well all of us except for Zach, he said "lets go get ice cream!" But we cant always win.

After laughing at Zach we got in the car. Daniel wasn't here, so there were only 5 of us, so we didn't take the van.

We hopped in a car. Corbyn was the most responsible, so he was driving. I was shot gun because im a girl, and i made it there first. Jonah and Jack were in the back sides, and Zach was in the middle.

We turned up the music and sang the whole way to the peer.

We got there parked and got out.

We had no clue where they were, so we had to find them by looking in all the restaurants, but doing that without looking creepy, and without getting noticed was very hard.

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