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I woke up at 10:30 to a text from Daniel.

Daniel- hey Autumn, good morning

Me- um, ok, i guess good morning to you too

Daniel- wow, that was rude

Me- sorry, but you never text me good morning, unless you want something

Daniel- i dont want anything, i have something to tell you

Daniel- well two things

Me- what?

Daniel- one, anonymous got his phone back, someone rang the door bell and ran

Me- cool

Daniel- and two, do you want to go to the beach with us today?

Me- of corse

Daniel- were leaving at 11, we can drive you if you want

Me- nah im good, ill make Logan, and i just woke up, so i need to eat breakfast

Daniel- ok see ya there

Me- byee

I rolled out of bed and walked out of my room.

Again, i was only wearing a big t-shirt and shorts, big mistake. Because Logan had the band Diamond Dixie over.

I walked out saw them and walked right back into my room.

I put some pants on and walked out again.

"Hey yall." I said and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey." They all said at once.

"This is my sista, Autumn." Logan said as i was pouring cereal.

They all started talking and i pulled Logan away from them.

"Can you take me to the beach?" I asked him.

"Why?" He said back.

"Because the boys will be there and i have nothing else to do." I said to him.

"Umm, depends." He said.

"On what?" I asked.

"Will you be wearing a bikini?" He asked.

"Of corse not, bikinis suck, there confusing, and you cant dive into the water without them falling off." I said and he laughed.

"Fine, what time?" He asked.

"Idk, when ever you can take me." I said to him.

"Then now." He said and I sprinted into my room.

I quickly grabbed my suit and put it on. I shaved last night so I didn't have to, and frankly i dont really care. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a bun.

I grabbed a big shirt, and put it over my suit. And i grabbed a towel and put it in my bag.

I walked out and Logan and I got in the car.

"Wow that was faster than I expected." Logan said as we got it.

"I know, i should be a speed changer." I said back sarcastically.

And Logan laughed.

Soon enough we got there and i saw the guys and ran over to to them. Logan drove away and it was just me and the guys.

I put my bag down and started talking to the guys.

I talked to them for a bit, before i got bored and came up with an idea.

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