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I woke up at 11ish. I hoped out of bed and into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and remembered i was wearing Jonahs shirt. It was surprisingly comfy.

I brushed my teeth and washed face.

I was about to walk out, when I remembered that i should wear some pants, so i grabbed some and put them on, and then walked out.

Ayla was here again and she gad already made me a bagel and cream cheese.

"Ayla, your a goddess." Was all i said before devouring the bagel.

She laughed and walked over and picked up kong.

I finished the bagel and i sat on the couch. I hadn't really had time to relax a lotI layed there for a while and i was starting to get comfy when Logan walked in the door and was talking to someone really loudly.

I was half asleep half awake, so I didn't bother to see who it was.

Who ever it was stopped talking for 5 minutes.

I was almost asleep when i heard someone whisper. I opened one eye and saw Zach surrounding me along with Logan and the rest of the boys.

"Ok, so are we gonna count down from three?" He asked.

I comprehended what he meant when he said that.

Logan started counting down from three.

On one I opened my eyes and screamed, and let me tell you, i have never see a teenage boy scream that loud.

I bursted out laughing and Zach had fallen to the floor. The other guys started laughing too.

"So i see your actually awake." Zach said getting up.

"Yep, i am." I said trying not to laugh.

Then there was a silent pause.

"So, do you all beed to tell me something, or did you wake me up for nothing?" I asked.

"Um." Corbyn said trying to stall.

"Nothing." Daniel said interrupting him.

"Then i am going back to sleep, goodnight." I said and closed my eyes.

"DOG PILE!" Logan yelled, and they all jumped on me.

I was laying on my back, so it didn't hurt that bad.

They were all on top of me. But Jonah was the on right on top of me, and he was breaking the fall of the other guys for me kinda.

He was holding them up until Logan yelled, "MY TURN!" And leaped on top of everyone.

Jonah fell on top of me and squished me, but it was more funny than painful.

Everyone got off and i flipped on to my side.

"How did you like that?" Daniel asked mockingly (like best friends do).

"all i have to say, is yall need to lay off the donuts." I said and they laughed.

"Ok, now goodnight." I said and closed my eyes again.

"Well what do we do now?" Jack asked.

"I dont know." Daniel said back.

"Well what did you come here to do?" Logan asked.

"We were gonna see if Autumn wanted to come over." Daniel said. "So, you can see our predicament." He said and i could tell he was gesturing to me.

"Well, either wait here for her to finish her nap, or leave without her, or convince her not to nap, but i have to go soon, and i dont trust you all alone with her, at your house theres at least managers, so yall cant stay here." Logan said.

"Lets make her not nap." Corbyn said.

I heard footsteps.

"Come on Autumn, wake up, were gonna go to our house." Jack said lightly shaking me.

"I got this." Daniel said and i heard him walk over. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He yelled shaking me hard.

"Uggg, your such a bitch." i said stretching.

"Ok, insult me all you want, but we have to go, so hurry up." He said and i stood up.

We all walked out he door and into the elevator. I was still really tired so i rested my head on Jacks shoulder as we were going down.

I had to walk to the car, witch, let me tell you, is very hard when you are drifting between being asleep and awake.

I was almost to the car when i got really tired and closed my eyes, but i decided to keep walking, bad idea.

I walked right into the back of another car.

All the boys laughed. "How about i help you." Jonah said grabbing my shoulders and steering me to the car.

We got in and I immediately put my head on Jacks lap and fell asleep.

I woke up because the car stopped moving.

I slowly made my way out of the can, and i went straight to the couch inside.

I fell asleep fully and i had a sweet dream about adopting all the puppies in the animal shelter.

Anonymous' POV

Autumn looked so peaceful sleeping, she reminded me of sleeping beauty, mostly because she sleeps a lot.


Hey, sorry i haven't updated in a while, I've just been tired, and I wasn't in the mood to write.


Update- i still like the guy

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