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"Autumn, i know who Anonymous is, and he is..." he stopped for a second and looked at me. "One second." He said and ran out of the room, i was about to chase him when Corbyn came into the room.

"Autumn, did Haleigh tell you?" He asked.

"Tell me what?" I asked back.

"Oh, so she didn't." He said and did the nervous suck in air through your teeth thing (hopefully y'all know what im talking about).

"Didn't what?" I asked again louder.

He turned around and tried to walk to the door, but I quickly hopped up and got there first.

I put my back to the wall and looked at him.

"What didn't she tell me?" I asked again.

"I fell like she should tell you." He said trying to move me.

"But i want to know now, and you are going to tell me." I said standing my ground.

"Autumn, come on, move, please." He said attempting to pull me off again.

"Whats it about?" I said struggling to stay in the same spot.

"Nothing bad." He said still trying to pull me.

"Then what?" I asked again.

"I.... i cant tell you." He said again managing to make one of my hands loose grip.

"Please tell me." I said again.

"Autumn, i cant." He said giving up and letting go of me.

"Uggg." I said back.

"How about you text her." He suggested.

"But that will take a while, and i want to know now, i dont do good with suspense." I said back.

"Well, i still cant tell you." He said back. "Sorry." And he walked away.

I immediately texted Haleigh.

Me- Hails what happened, Corbyn started to talk to me and asked if you had told me yet.

Me- what happened?!?

Hails💚- omg, i was literally about to text you 😂

Me- then what is it?!?!

Hails💚- well, um, i like someone.

Me- i already knew that😂

Hails💚- well did you know that they like me back?😂




Hails💚- calm down😂

Me- Im sorry its just y'all are so cute together

Hails💚- Awww thanks boo😘😂

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