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I was having a great dream, i dont remember what it was exactly, but i know that i was happy, before i was woken up.

I was still tired so i had no clue what was going on.

I opened my eyes, to see the boys and Logan standing there, singing.

I grabbed a pillow and put it on my head. "Y'all, shut the hell up." I said trying to sleep.

They all laughed. "Autumn, its 12, its lunch time." Logan said laughing and sitting on the bed.

"Im aware, its time to sleep." I said and they laughed again.

"Well, to bad, wake up, or else." Logan said.

"Or else what?" I said challenging him.

"Oh, did you hear that guys? TICKLE HER!" Logan yelled.

I sat up real fast and tried to get away from them.

Little known fact about me, im extremely ticklish, but only on my feet and sides, it gets to a point where i cant breathe because im laughing to hard. Its not fun.

I ran out of my room, and into Logans room. I locked the door just in time.

I sat on his bed to calm down, when i realized i was in my sports bra and shorts.

I quickly went into Logans closet to get a shirt, but turns out he only wears merch, and thats in the merch closet, so its a bit of a predicament.

I grabbed a blanket and rapped it around myself.

I walked out to see them all standing and waiting for me.

"Get her!" Logan yelled and i stopped them.

"Ok, go ahead, get me, but i hope you realize i dont have a shirt on and i will drop this blanket right now." I said to Logan.

I started to slowly drop it when Logan grabbed it and made it a burrito around me.

"How about lets not get you." He said and i laughed.

I walked into my room and put on a shirt.

Daniels POV

We got to Logan and Autumns apartment, of corse, Autumn was still asleep.

We soon decided to wake her up by singing to her.

We walked into her room, and she had all of her body under the covers except for one leg, and her head.

We started singing and she covered her head with a pillow.

When she did it, i saw that on her arm she had a really big cut, i was worried.

She ran out of the room in only her bra, and the guys eyes got wide, lucky Logan didn't see.

She finally came out in a blanket and went into her room to get a shirt.

Autumns POV

I put on a shirt and brushed my teeth.

I walked out of the room and over to the guys on the couch.

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