Chapter 15: Engagement

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    "What!?!?!? Had those words really came from Sebastian!?!?! What do...think! Unfreeze yourself! He needs an answer. He needs words! Speak! Stop thinking! Jesus! Why was I paralyzed?!? Agggh!!!!! BE. RESPONSIVE!....Awwh...he looks so cute on one knee. And...AND he just poured his unbeating heart out to me......ANSWER HIM!!!!!"     I was so paralyzed from those sweet words all I could do was mentally fight with myself.

    "Sebastian..., of course! Yes! Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!" I squealed as I felt a hot tear stream down my cheek. I never even imagined I'd get pregnant and then proposed to. I always thought I'd just grow old by myself because I was never bold with people. I never put myself out there in anyway. Besides my friend, Frankie, I never talked to anyone. And I am. Pregnant and now a demon. I myself was now a demon. Yet, I couldn't be happier. I was so overwhelmed that I did let the tears fall down my cheeks.

    "Stupid hormones! I'm a demon! I shouldn't be crying!!!!" I yelled mentally to myself.

    Sebastian placed the ring on my finger, picked me up, and swung me around. I felt like...well, a princess. Everything was going great. Better than I ever saw my life. Even though, I guess now I'm technically dead...or maybe I'm not.....oh hell I'm happy!

    I looked up into Sebastian's big crimson eyes after he set me down. The tears were already drying, but I was still blushing. Even Sebastian had a big grin on his face. I pulled him in for the longest and sweetest kiss we ever shared. When we broke away he looked down at me.

    "________, you've made me the happiest demon on this earth." He said with a laugh.

    "Well, I'm a demon now, so I don't know about that. Ha ha. But, look at you all happy and smiley. What would Lord Ciel think?" I laughed. No one, especially Lord Ciel, would believe that Sebastian had just expressed himself in such a happy manor.

    "Well, I do believe it's time to get back to the manor." Sebastian said as he pulled out his pocket watch. "Would you like me to carry you my lady." He grinned.

    "Why yes sir that would be very kind indeed."

    And he swept me off my feet and we were up in the air. We were pretty far away from the manor. I was still curious as to why I was the whole way out there. I did know one thing for sure....Grell would soon be paying an unwanted visit.

    As we touched down in front of the manor I looked around for the redhead.

    "Nothing yet...surprisingly." I whispered.

    "What?" Sebastian questioned.

    "Oh nothing, just looking out for that moronic Grell. He's sure to pay a visit." I answered. "Hey Sebastian, does Ciel know...that I'm..well changed?"

    "Yes, there's no doubt he'll be making an appearance. And as for the Young Master, I'm sure he'll figure it out soon enough on his own." He said with his half-evil smirk.

    I walked into the manor and ignored the crowd of other servants questioning me. I made my way to mine and Sebastian's room to get ready for the day. The room was surprisingly neat. Almost like nothing from the previous night happened. All the strange objects were gone. No blood stains on the now crisp, white, linen sheets.

    "What the-" I began to whisper.

    "Well, I had to clean up now didn't I." came Sebastian with a laugh.

    "What happened last night? After you recited those words...I don't remember anything." I asked as I began slipping into fresh and bloodstain-free clothes. I really wanted to know. Mostly because I hate blacking out.

    "Well, I did a few more necessary rituals and then you were changed. You being pregnant away. Most newly changed demons are content with nothing for a while because they usually devour their own soul first. But during the process, our child got to your soul before I could. Heh..., I was so curious to how your soul would've tasted too. Pity. But, as I was saying you needed food and I couldn't contain you. You jumped out the window and were off. Luckily I caught you before you could do any real harm to anyone. I made you stay put in the field and brought you a dying human. The Shinigami weren't too happy, but you fell asleep and I did have to go fix a window and take care of the Young Master. That's why you were alone. Your demon..senses would've kicked if anyone had tried to attack you though. I still shouldn't have left you there and for that, I'm sorry love." He came over and held me. The seriousness of the apology lingered in his eyes and I knew he truly meant it. He kissed the top of my head and left me in the room.

    I sat down on the edge of the bed and thought everything he said over. I couldn't imagine myself going on some sort of sick feeding frenzy like some vampire-thing I read in a book once. But, apparently I had. I stared down at my hand and began to inspect my engagement ring. It was a beautiful silver band with a dark blue sapphire gem in the middle, surrounded by a circle of small diamonds. It was a beautiful ring, but I wouldn't have cared what kind of ring Sebastian would've given me. To just know he loved me enough to give me one...

    I walked out of the room to begin tutoring with the Young Master. That's when I heard what I had been waiting for since we arrived back at the manor.


"Grell's here Sebby darling!" I yelled. Just thinking about the face Grell would be making at that statement....heh.

"Where are you!?! Little man-stealing whore!!! Come out come out wherever you are! My death-scythe wants to speak with you!!!!!" He screamed.

I jumped down the stairs and landed perfectly in front of him.

"I love being a demon." I thought to myself with a huge grin.

"Yes Grell? What's the matter? You seem terribly upset?" My grin grew wider and was more evil. I could take him now, pregnant or not. He couldn't screw with my head anymore nor could he attempt to place harm on me. I still had Sebastian and I was demon now.

He breathed in heavily and suddenly a look of shock went across his face.

"'re a.....YOU'RE A DEMON NOW!.........wait.....this could be a good thing. A battle for sweet Bassy, yes this could infact be a good thing indeed." Grell too grew an evil grin.

"I think you're a little late for a battle my dear Grell." I said returning his evil grin, and with that I drew my left hand up and showed off my ring finger. I could've sworn he was going to cry. But, I heard Sebastian coming down the stairs.

"Bassy-kins tell me this isn't true! Doesn't our love mean anything!?!" Grell cried out.

Sebastian wrapped his arms around me and said, "Grell...what love? There was never anything." And with that Sebastian kicked Grell out the door and lead me up the stairs. Leaving Grell outside in a depressed heap.

"I love you Sebastian." I laughed.


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