Chapter 8: Demon Hound

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Since it was Sunday I didn't have to tutor Ciel, leaving me with nothing but chores. I was still letting my mind take in the fact that I had just eaten a human's soul. I headed for the dining hall where I began polishing Master Ciel's best china. I polished each one individually until it sparkled. After I finished that I went out to the kitchen and washed Lord Ciel's breakfast dishes. I decided afterwards to go for a walk. Just real quick around the manor of course.

    "Besides," I said aloud, "Isn't a 'Pluto' supposed to be visiting?"

    I went out to the garden and where I expected to find Finnian I found someone else. Instead I saw a naked, toned, gray-haired man. This man wore nothing but a single collar and he was sitting like a dog. I let out a shriek and the man came running at me on all fours.

    "Ahh!" I screamed as he tackled me. "Help! Sebastian! Finnian! Tanaka! Just someone! Help me! Please!"

    The strange man started licking me. I started screaming louder when suddenly he was ripped off of me. I looked up and saw my Sebby standing over me. He threw the man at a tree which snapped under the pressure. Sebastian screamed, "Punish!" at the man who in turn started to pout. Sebastian pulled me to my feet and started to examine me.

    "I'm fine. I'm fine! Just not mentally. Who the hell is that anyways!?!" I shouted as I pointed out to the distance.

    "You sure are feisty with those hormones. That my dear, would be Pluto. Our demon hound. He said grabbing my hand placing a kiss on the top of it.

    "Oh god....a what?!?" I asked. I couldn't believe there was a demon hound! I mean where the hell has he been the whole time I've been here?!?

    "Well...........," Sebastian began.

*Time Skip....Fifteen Minutes Later*

    "Well, that's...interesting...So this 'pretty' woman, Angela just....gave you...a....demon hound? Just like that?  Don't you find it odd that this 'pretty' woman out of nowhere gave you a demon hound?" I overly exaggerated the word 'pretty.' I didn't know the woman, but I found I was jealous of her. Sebastian described her to me as, 'pretty.' I was a little hurt when he said that.

    "What? _________, I said 'pretty' because that's how the humans viewed her. Demons are never attracted to humans that way." I let out a whimper as he said the last line. He realized what he said and quickly tried covering it. "No! It's not......that's not what I meant __________." He tried to pull me to him, but I ran inside to my room while tears fell.

    "Damn these hormones!" I screamed as I slammed my door. I flung myself to my bed and started crying. I didn't even want to cry, but I did. I felt weak and pathetic. Angry and stupid. After I cried myself out I sat up and felt foolish for running like that.

    "I'm so stupid!" I screamed into my pillow.

    I looked up when I heard a light rap on my door. I knew who it was. Or at least I thought I did. Shortly after I heard scratching at the door.

    "C-come in." I said trying to hide any uncertainty in my voice. Sebastian opened the door a crack and peaked in. Just as he was opening the door gently someone burst through the door. Pluto. The still naked man-dog-demon whatever he was jumped on me. He sniffed at my stomach and calmed himself down. He lied down next to me and started to rub himself against my stomach.

    "___________, you got him to calm d-down." Sebastian said shocked.

    "Uhm, I guess so? Look Sebastian...earlier..I'm s-" but he cut me off.

    "Don't be sorry. I said foolish things without thinking. Thus, I am sorry _________."

    "I love you....." I whispered.

    "I love you too." He gave me a hug and left.

    I looked down at the strange hound who now lay sleeping on me.

    "He's actually kind of cute....except he's naked all the time." I began to stroke his gray hair. He opened his eyes excitedly and began to howl quietly.



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