Chapter 2: The Job

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"Okay, my Earl. Has Sebastian told you today's schedule?" It was tutoring time again in the Phantomhive Manor.

    He let out a loud sigh, "Yes, he has. Tutoring with you from 10am until 12pm and then I have to go with Sebastian to meet with some important high society people I presume. Then I-" I cut him off before he could finish.

    "All right. I think you know. Where would you like to pick up from the last time? Music lessons, theatre art lessons, or perhaps dance lessons? Or we could begin the newest math chapter Sebastian gave me?" I smiled trying to get the angry expression off of his face. It was no use. Today was one of the days where he would be unamused and impossible to work with. "Or, we could just talk for a little today? I know we haven't talked for a while my Earl."

    He glanced up at the last option and nodded. I put the papers off to the side and sat in the chair in front of his desk. We talked about little things. About Bard's bad cooking. About the stress he was facing. When I talked to him I saw a little relief in his eyes. He was so young and was put through a lot. I could tell he needed to talk sometimes. When Sebastian came in Ciel had begun to smile and laugh. Sebastian usually looked a little in shock when he saw the young Earl doing this without being forced. But, not today. He walked in with an envelope in hand.

    "It would appear your lessons are over for the day Young Master." I said with a little wink to Ciel. He smiled and nodded me off. I exited his office and went for my room to put the lesson items away for the day. My room was on the far side of the manor, across from Sebastian's of course. I turned to leave my room and ran directly into Sebastian.

    "We will be leaving the manor for a while to do some research for the Queen. Ciel wants to know if you'd care to join us. We have left the four morons here by themselves plenty of times, they will be fine if you wish to come along."

    "I-yes! I would love to. I haven't been out much since I took this job. So, it sounds lovely. What should I bring then?" I was becoming more comfortable expressing my mind since I took the job here several months ago.

    Sebastian gave me an evil smile that gave me chills. I walked over and gave him a kiss. He returned the kiss and pushed me up against the wall.

    "Get packing." He said as he walked out of the room. I grabbed my suitcase and started packing. I grabbed clothes that were just hanging in my closet and stuffed them in along with some undergarments and other items. I set my suitcase to the side and went to find Sebastian.

    "Are you already then?" Sebastian's voice rang in my ear. I almost jumped from shock, but I was getting pretty used to him appearing out of nowhere.

    "Yes, I was just coming to get you to see when we'd be off." I turned to face him.

    "Good, we leave now. So get your stuff. It's gonna be a long ride." And just like that he was gone.

    "You know I hate when you disappear on me!" I jokingly cried out to thin air.

    I grabbed my suitcase and headed for the main stairs. Where I looked down and saw Sebastian and Ciel already waiting for me. We headed out the door and loaded our things on the carriage. Sebastian helped Ciel and I into the carriage before placing himself in the front to drive. Ciel fell asleep in the carriage with the envelope Sebastian had in his hand earlier. It dropped but I was terrified to pick it up. I knew they had certain secrets that I was forbade from knowing, and I was terrified thinking about what Sebastian would do to me if I was ever snooping. I soon drifted into a deep sleep not waking until the carriage crashed.


    "Agh!" I woke up with a sudden shout. The carriage was completely off the road and tipped. Ciel was missing and I heard fighting outside. I felt a hot liquid stroll down my face. I touched my head and felt the blood. And a sharp object at the top-left side of my head. I saw the carriage window was broken and realized what was in my head. Glass. I crawled out of the right side of the carriage and saw Sebastian mid-air throwing kitchen knives at someone holding Ciel. His eyes were glowing a strange color I hadn't seen before. They were like a clouded-purple color. And his movements were almost...not human. Ciel was perfectly calm in the arms of whomever had him. I looked around and saw corpses. Bloody, strewed about corpses with knives and forks throughout them. I slowly got to my knees as I saw Ciel's attacker fall to the ground. I managed to stand but found that I couldn't walk. It was like my body forgot how. Pain surged through my whole body. Sebastian walked over coolly to Ciel and picked him up bridal style when he saw me struggling to stand. He ran over to me and placed Ciel down on the ground. He grabbed me and gasped. I must've been in pretty bad shape to make him gasp like that.

    "_________ can you hear me? Can you see me? Blink twice really fast if you understand me at all!" He was trying to sound calm but I heard the worry in his voice. I blinked as fast as I could twice.

    "Sebastian-" it hurt to talk but I managed a sentence, "I don't-I don't remember this being in the job....description you gave me." I tried to laugh but it hurt. Then everything went black.


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