Chapter One: What Happened Next.

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It all started with a fated game of seven minutes in heaven and I drew out his glove. I still blush at the thought. He pulled me into the closet and we went on from there. We later made love and continued our relationship from there.

The Next Day [After That Night]

    I woke up at almost two in the afternoon. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in Sebby's arms at 7:59. He had to work at 8, so I assume I fell asleep pretty fast. I looked over to where Sebastian was and saw him missing. I didn't know what to do now. I just wished Sebastian would appear. I got up out of the love-stained bed and laughed quietly at myself. He took my virginity after all, and I didn't know what to expect now.


    "Do I continue seeing him? Is this what they call a one night stand?" I had a million questions running through my mind. I was trying to find my clothes when I remembered he tore them to shreds. "Agh! Now what?" I said aloud. That's when I heard a knock on the door. "Oh no! I'm clothes less and what if whoever is expecting Sebastian?!?" Was all I could think. I hurriedly jumped under the covers right as the door opened.

    "I thought I'd bring you some fresh clothes, considering the previous night's occurrences to yours." Called a familiar voice. I looked over to the door and saw Sebastian's outline.

    "Oh, hah, uh thanks." I couldn't find anything to say. I just looked over at him and blushed with a small smile.


    "Will you be joining the Young Master for lunch?" Sebastian asked sounding rather formal.

    "Oh, does he...Does he know I'm here..?" I felt a little embarrassed at the thought of Ciel knowing. He was only 13 after all. Sebastian came over to me and smiled as he set the clothes down next to me.

    "I have informed him you are staying. The condition being that you simply fell asleep and I brought you to a guest room so you'd be more comfortable."

    "Thanks Sebastian." I didn't know whether I should stay for lunch or leave. I didn't want to wear out my welcome. Sebastian saw my confusion and he pulled me up to him, still naked, and kissed me.

    "You should stay awhile love." He whispered in my ear.

    "O-o-okay." I said looking away trying to hide my blush.

    "Now get ready and don't be late for lunch, the Young Master won't enjoy that." He let go of me, bowed, and walked away. I looked at the clothes he had left me. They definitely weren't my clothes, but there weren't any tags.

    "Where could have gotten these?" I half-whispered aloud.

    I got dressed and looked out into the hallway. I didn't see anyone around and wasn't sure where to go. I casually walked down the hall looking in all the open doors trying to find a familiar face. I found myself at the main staircase where I found Mey-Rin polishing the floors.


    "Oh why hello there _________! I didn't see you there no I didn't! Are you lookins for someone?" Mey-Rin jumped as she said the words.


    "Oh, hello there Mey-Rin. Could you by chance point me in Sebastian's direction? I was told to meet Ciel and him."

    "Ah, let's see. I believe he did go..., uh-" But she was cut off by Sebastian's voice.

    "Ah, yes, there you are _________. Didn't I tell you not to delay? Perhaps it's my fault. After all you don't know the manor very well. Follow me then" Sebastian lead me down the stairs and into the dinning area where Ciel was sitting at the very end of a long table. Sebastian lead me to a seat set for another person to Ciel's right.

    "I trust the clothes fit you well then?" Were Ciel's first words to me.

    "Oh no! Does he know?" Was all I managed to think.

    "I couldn't let you wander around in your previous day's clothes."

    "Oh, uh, yes! They do fit well. Thank you Earl. It was very kind."

    "Now Sebastian, where is Bardroy with our lunch?" Sebastian pulled out his watch and looked irritated. He left the room for a few moments when we heard a loud "BOOM!" Ciel slapped his hand to his face while I jumped at the noise. We heard yelling and then Sebastian walked back into the room with tea.


    "Young Master, I'm afraid Bardroy has once again blown up the kitchen. We shall have tea first." Sebastian said.

    "I don't want tea. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me in time for dinner. I have finished my work for the day anyways!" Ciel stood up and walked away.

    "Yes my Lord." Sebastian said with a slight bow. Then he turned to me and smiled. I looked at him and blushed. I had a slight feeling as to what would happen next. He walked over and pulled me to him, since I was still standing. "It appears I have a little time off now doesn't it?"

    "I-I suppose you do."

    "Hm, what do you think I should do with this free time?" He said as he pulled me closer.

    "Well uh, I gu-" But I was cut off by Bardroy.

    "Sebastian, do ya think you could help me? I don't even know where to begin in there. I really needa stop usin' that blasted TNT." He said with a hand scratching the back of his head. Sebastian looked at me longingly, but turned to Bard's direction, sighed and agreed. Bard walked out of the room yelling 'thank you's' to Sebastian.

    "I guess we'll have to pick up later then." He said as he placed a kiss on my lips. He started to walk off but I yelled after him.

    "Wait! Wh-what should I do? I don't live or work here. Maybe I should just go?"

    "Don't be ridiculous," he said, "I will make arrangements for you to stay again...unless of course you want to leave?"

    "Well, I don't want to leave, but I don't live here. I'm sure Ciel wouldn't want me here..."

    He looked over at me and smiled before saying, "Let's see what I can do." and strutted off. Leaving me a place I wasn't too familiar with.

    I found my way to the library after what seemed like hours of wandering. It was of course only minutes. I found a play-book by Shakespeare and started to read. It was Hamlet, a play I heard Lord Ciel did rather well in. After a long while Sebastian came in with a small knock on the door.

    "Ah, there you are __________. You're rather difficult to find in such a big place."

    I looked up and just smiled. He walked over and pulled me up. He held me a while before he spoke.

    "I have found you a job in this manor if you want it. It's simple tutoring and occasional cleaning. You'd just meet with Ciel for a couple hours a day and teach him the basics of literature and current culture and society. Clean a few things here and there. You have had more exposure to modern culture than him or I for tutoring anyways. Plus there's a bonus." I looked up at him at his last words.

    "And what's the bonus?" I asked.

    "You get to live here with me." He said as he pulled me in tighter, kissing the top of my head.

    I obviously accepted, but that's where it began. My days in the manor that is. Where Sebastian and I spent our days. Together.


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