Chapter 5: The Impossible

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  We appeared back in the manor where I started my daily chores which I was hours late on. I was polishing the stairs when I heard a shriek. I ran up to Ciel's office where I heard the noise and  found a strange red head yelling at Sebastian. He was standing in the corner, face in palm shaking his head. Ciel was sitting in his chair looking extremely annoyed.

    "Lord Ciel, what is going on?!" I said with a puff from the running. That's when the strange red head looked over at me and grinned devilishly. Despite the redheads looks he was a man. He walked over towards me and pushed me against a wall.

    "Ah! You are the fated _________! I should kill you where you stand!" He was screaming in my face and I shook with fear. He was holding a large sharp object in his one hand that I had never seen before.

    "Wh-what are y-you talking about?" I said with extreme nervousness. I was shaking at his last words.

    "I'm going to kill you! How dare you play pretend with me!?! I know perfectly well about you and Sebastian's little secret! He's mine! You'll never touch him again and you're little monster will never see day!" He lifted the sharp object as I let out a loud scream. It started whirring like a machine and brought it quickly towards me. Sebastian's movements were quicker than the red headed males though.

    "Grell Sutcliff don't you dare!" He screamed in the red head's ears as he held the object back with one hand. I fell to the floor in tears at the scene in front of my eyes.

    "Bassy you know I can't control myself when it comes to you. Just let me take this one soul early eh? What do ya say Bassy-kins?" The strange male was trying to seduce him. Or at least from the ground it sounded that way.

    "Sebastian get Grell under control!" Ciel called from his desk.

    "Yes my Lord." Sebastian said in reply.

    Sebastian ripped the object from the other male's hands and thrust him on the floor like he were a broken toy. He then pulled me up into his arms and held me there while I cried. I was so scared that I was shaking. He held me tight while the strange red head, who I assumed to be this Grell they kept referring to, stood up. He gave me a cruel look as he strutted over to Ciel's desk where he sat on top of it. Ciel shot him a death glare and the man sighed and got off.

    "Now, Grell, what are you here for that gave you an urge to yell in my face earlier?" Sebastian said still holding me close even though my sobs had died down. I was curious too as to why he was here and how he managed to get past me when I was polishing stairs.

    Grell looked over at me and then at Ciel and then finally to Sebastian. "Well, I wanted to look into your new help. Seeing as how you two went into that closet when we played that dreaded game. I checked her cinematic records and found some interesting things. I looked a little into her future too. Seeing as how the future is always changing, I decided I needed to come fix it before it's too late."

    "What do you mean before it's too late?" Sebastian said cruelly.

    "Perhaps I've said enough. Or you can give me a little kiss Bassy-kins? That might help me remember better." He started winking at Sebastian.

    "Not even in your best of dreams." Came Sebastian's cold response.

    "Grell tell us what the hell's going on." Ciel was sounding more irritated than the last time he spoke.

    "Ugh, you guys are no fun. Well-" But he was cut off by a man dressed in black, wearing glasses, and carrying a long object. It was sharp but not as terrifying as Grell's.

    "Grell you're slacking! I hate when you make me work overtime lets go!" The man yelled as he began to drag Grell away.

    "The girl is-" But he was cut off by a slammed door.

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