Chapter 13: The Transformation

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(WARNING!!!! Please don't try this at  home it's purely fictional and won't really make you a demon!!!! Do enjoy this chapter though!!)

I inhaled deeply before opening the door to Sebastian's and my bedroom. I let it out as I carefully turned the knob and opened the door. How could someone not expect me to be nervous though? I had every right to be as scared as I was right now. I peered into the eerie lit room and while shadowy figures dancing on the ceiling.

Candles burned and dripped hot wax on tables which also held strange objects. I looked and saw the bag Undertaker had given Sebastian empty on the floor.

"________, it's time if you're ready." Sebastian crossed the room and pulled me inside shutting the door.

"As ready as I'll ever be love." I wanted to sound brave...just to show Sebastian I could be.

"It's going to hurt, but I'm going to try to make this as painless as possible without screwing the whole thing up....Ok?" He seemed to be in a different world as he talked to me.

I nodded my head and watched as he drew a dagger. It was decorated with gory and graphic dead bodies over it.

"Sebastian what's that f-" His eyes grew their clouded demon color as he stabbed the dagger through my heart. I felt every inch of the piercing blade as it found its way to my heart. It felt like fire and needles were shooting through me.

I flew backwards with the push and landed on the bed with a loud, terrifying cry. I felt hot tears stream down my face as I tried to touch the piercing dagger.

"Touch nothing." Sebastian hissed.

He climbed over top of me and touched the dagger lightly. I saw his eyes flash with sadness for a moment before he continued. His fingers touched where the blood was and drew an upside down cross on my forehead.

He then got off the bed and began making his faustian around me with a strange black candles wax. When he was done with that he pulled the dagger from me, which set off another mortified cry. He then poured the rest of the weird candles wax into the wound. I could have sworn it sizzled and foamed, but I shut my eyes tight from pain.

Everything....everything hurt and burned. I felt like dying and caving in to death, but I had to fight it. I needed to stay strong....for me....for Sebastian....for our unborn child. I reopened my eyes and watched as Sebastian grabbed me by the shoulders. He stabbed the dagger through my head..directly where he made the satanic upside down cross.

I screamed. Thats all I could think to do. I screamed and cried from the pain. I wanted to black just ignore do anything else!!!

"SEBASTIAN! NO...PLEASE NO! END THIS HURRY!!! OH GOD! AGGGHH!!!!!!!" I just didn't know what else to say.

I knew I had wanted this and I was warned it would hurt. I had no idea to what extent. I didn't understand why I wasn't blacking out or how I was still alive. I looked up with tear-filled eyes and a blood stained face. I just couldn't move anymore. I felt like I was trapped under a boulder.

I stared up at him with a pained expression. His eyes caught my glance and I thought I saw a tear fall down his cheek.

" matter....I st-...still....l-love y-y-you." I choked on each word as it came out with a whisper.

"Shhhhh...________. It's almost over now." And with that he began whisper strange things in a foreign tongue.

My head began spinning and things became hazy.

The pain sharpened.

I felt like I was spinning and floating.

Everything was confusing and I felt my head stretching.

But..., that's not possible....or is it? I didn't understand, but I went with it. My screams covered the strange words Sebastian was speaking. And then...........I don't know.

I didn't black out....., but I have no clue what happened after that. I remember doing something else...., but what was it?!? I couldn't...still can't recall. But.....none-the-less...I was transformed. . .


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