Chapter 11: A Dark Day

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Out of fear of dropping me, Sebastian made us take the carriage.

    "Is that a fat joke?" I had teased earlier.

    "No, it's more of a 'I don't want to be jumping through the air and Grell smack you out of my hands and you die before I can catch you' joke." He had replied before helping me into the carriage.

    I now looked out the window and watched the passing trees turn into passing houses. Soon enough we were at the Undertaker's shop.

    "Eh, if it isn't Sebastian and his little woman. Come in. You'll have to pardon the mess. Business has picked up recently." He smiled a huge toothy grin as he shoved us inside. "So, _________, I assume the medicine from your last trip is working well?"

    "Uh, yes actually it is." I couldn't help but notice the way he was staring at my belly. It would have creeped any other normal person out immensely, but it was Undertaker and well, I was sort of pregnant to a demon. Nothing really surprised me anymore.

    "How many months?" He approached my stomach and began inspecting it.

    "U-uh...I...I think almost six months." It hadn't felt like all that time had passed. It still only felt like the first month had just begun.

    "Heh heh heh. Now what business brings you here again then Sebastian?" Undertaker got up and walked towards Sebastian.

    "I have some questions for you. _________ would you mind just waiting on a different side of the shop? I won't leave the room." He knew I was still mortified to be without him. Who could blame me though?

    "Ok." I walked over to the further side of the shop and started to examine the jars. Every time I looked at them I felt like he got new ones. I picked up a jar that held three grey eyeballs and swirled them. I could've sworn one blinked so I quickly placed it back on the shelf. I glanced back over to the guys and saw an emotionless face on Sebastian.

    "You're sure that it's the only way?" I heard him say.

    "That doesn't sound too comforting........." I thought.

    They both shot glances to me and I stumbled backwards into the shelves. Thankfully nothing fell or broke. Sebastian let out a sigh and looked back to the Undertaker.

    "I'll gather you some things." Undertaker announced before going around trying to find supplies. I walked over to Sebastian who looked paler than usual. He looked fragile and broken.

    I put my arms around his neck and said, "What is it?"

    "Can we discuss this later tonight ________? We'll be leaving soon." He didn't break his blank stare while he talked to me, so I removed my arms and stood there worried.

    Undertaker re-appeared and gave us a bag filled with odd items, trinkets, books, and such. "Here you are Sebastian...," he talked with a sort of pity in his voice, "Sorry..." he whispered.

    "Be seeing you then." Sebastian took the bags and lead me out the door. He helped me into the carriage and drove off to the manor.

    As we got closer to the manor fear grew stronger in my heart. I couldn't possibly know what to expect.

    "His...hi-...he was so....pale. And.....his s-stare......W-what could be going on?!" I stuttered on my whisper.

    Before I knew it we were back at the manor and Sebastian brought me inside. After that Sebastian kept avoiding me for the rest of the day. He wouldn't glance at me, talk to me, or even be in the same room as me. I didn't know how to feel about this. I knew there was a logical reason, but him avoiding me was pissing me off!

    After I did my work I strolled into the garden. I sat down on one of the benches and called for Pluto. He came to me alright......, but he was naked and in his human form.

    He cocked his head and looked up at me with his sparkling demon hound eyes.

    "You know...I don't understand how Sebastian doesn't like you? Hmm...oh well." I pet his head while he howled with pleasure. "Shhh! Pluto be quiet."

    As I said this Finnian came around the corner. "Pluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuto! Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" He cried out.

    Pluto howled out loudly in response and Finny came running over to us.

    "There you are Pluto!!" Finny threw his arms around Pluto and then looked up at me. "Hiya _______!" He smiled a bright and toothy grin.

    "Hello Finny." I returned the bright smile he gave me.

    "What'cha doin' outside _______? The sun's going down." He quizzed. He was always so worried about everybody.

    "Oh, I was just doing some thinking. That's all." I casually answered.

    "Oh, alright! So, is somethin' else wrong? You and Mister Sebastian seem to be...well....distant today." He stopped petting Pluto, so he could sit next to me on the bench.

    "I-" I didn't know what to tell him. I didn't want him to worry over something that's probably least I hoped and prayed it was nothing. "I'm just having one of those....hormone swings. So, I told him to stay away for a little. I'm just not in a very good mood. It's fine. Really." I smiled as I lied through my teeth.

    He looked at me and seemed to doubt my story, but he went with it. "Well, alright. I'll let you be then. Goodbye _______!"

    "Bye Finny!" I hollered as he walked away.

    "I really don't like lying to him..." I whispered aloud.

    Hours later it was time for bed and Sebastian still hadn't talked to me about whatever it was.

    "Sebastian...what's wrong!" I yelled out to break the silence in the room. He wasn't all. If he wasn't a demon I'd be concerned he wasn't breathing either. He just sat there and stared. Stared at that damn bag Undertaker had given him.

    He looked up at me with big, sad, demon eyes. His mouth opened, but no words came out. He was really starting to scare me.

    "SEBASTIAN! Dammit! Answer me! What is it!?!?!?!?!" I couldn't take it anymore I had to know!

    "Undertaker has informed me won't mak-" He began.

    "I won't what!" I felt tears building up from the rage.

    "You won't make it through the pregnancy!! Happy! Now you know..." He half shouted at me. I could hear the anger and sadness mixed in his voice.

    "I...b-but........w-what?!" I let the built up tears fall on my cheeks. Sebastian crossed the room to sit on the bed next to me.

    "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear as he held me close.

    "Isn't there anything we can all?!" I pulled away so I could look up.

    "I...well...yes, but I can't do that to you." His eyes grew hard and fierce.

    "What?" I didn't want my days with him to ever end.

    "I'd.....I'd have to change you." He looked away from me while I took in the information.

    "Into...into a demon?" The answer was obvious, but I couldn't contemplate the possibility.

    "I couldn't do that to you ______." He said firmly.

    "Y-yes...yes you can. I don't want to lose you Sebastian..." I turned his face, so I could gaze into his eyes.

    "I don't want to lose you either...but I can't put you through that! I won't do that to you!" His body was tensing up with anger and his muscles veins were popping out.

    "So then you'd rather have me die?! Just do it..I don't care. I want to be with don't feel the same way." I got up and walked out of the room. I didn't want to be in there. I wanted to disappear. He didn't feel the same after all. I ran to the library and hid in the closet. I fell asleep in the back of the closet crying.


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