The Demon Inside Me

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It seems I'm making a lot of continuations off of my previous stories. Haha, well this is a continuation off of my previous stories. This continues off of my Seven Minutes In Black Butler Heaven and 7 Minutes+....[Sebastian Michaelis.] It's a chapter story and I worked damn pretty hard on it too! Haha, comments/feedback and votes are appreciated xP Don't steal my story -_-.....All right enjoy! [Also I do not own any of the Black Butler characters just the plot. Also sorry if I go OOC. This is in your POV by the way.


    It was amazing in the beginning. Sebastian and I would cuddle, talk, or sometimes just mess around. Behind Ciel's back of course. I would tutor Ciel when Sebastian would be busy with something else. Ciel seemed to enjoy my company and sometimes we would skip lessons and just talk. Sebastian was well aware that we would skip lessons, but wouldn't say anything. I think he was just happy to see Ciel smile. Sebastian and I were and still are in love. But...but now. I'm......pregnant with his child. I just can't believe this. I didn't think it was even possible to get pregnant to a demon. Apparently neither did Sebastian, because I think he was in more shock than I was. could this happen to me? I'm almost nine months. Maybe I should start from the beginning..............


The Demon Inside MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora