Chapter 3: Healing and the Secret

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I woke up to a white room. I hurt everywhere and I didn't remember how I got here. I didn't hear or feel anything after I past out. I wanted to look to see where I was but I couldn't move my head. The pain was just too much for me.

    "Seb-Sebastian." I was trying to cry out but it came out as a mere whisper.

    The light was dim, but it still made me squint. I was in more pain than anything I'd ever felt. I had no idea what could've happened. I just knew that I had to find Sebastian and Ciel. I needed to know they were okay and maybe even have them explain what the hell was going on. Sebastian appeared in front of my face blocking the light.

    "Don't try to move. You'll only hurt yourself more." He was trying to sound gentle but I could hear concern in his voice.

    "Seb-Sebas- AGGGH!" I let out a loud scream of pure agony. The pain was becoming greater. I just wanted to die right then and there.

    "_________, I need you to calm down. Shh...shh...shhh..." He began to gently rub my hand trying to calm me. I heard another voice, but I didn't know whose. Sebastian backed away and a strange man in a white coat began to draw liquids into a needle. He was the doctor, but he didn't seem friendly at all. His expression terrified me more than the pain I was in. His features were sharp like knives and were overly exaggerated. His eyes were a dark-coal color...then again the light and pain might've been playing tricks on me. He came closer to me and I felt the needle prick through my skin. Then it was black.....again.

    "Uhn...wha-" I was completely dazed. Everything felt hazy. Dream-like almost. I could hear Ciel and Sebastian's voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I felt a warm, gloved hand touch and squeeze mine. I opened my eyes a little wider to see Sebastian standing over me, concern in his eyes.

    "Uhh, Sebastian. Where am I?" My voice was dry and scratchy.

    "Ah! You're finally awake. You're in the hospital. You had quite a bad fall." He said trying to say smoothly.

    "That's not what happened." I thought.

    "What do you mean a bad fall? I-I was in the carriage.....You were.....killing people?" My eyes shot open as I recalled the horrific events. Sebastian. He. He killed people.

    His eyes went wide. Shock. He looked like he was in shock because I could recall the event. But, why would he be surprised? Why did he try to tell me I had an accident?

    "Sebastian, you assured me she wouldn't remember!" It was Ciel's voice.

Why didn't they want me to remember?!?!

    "Why....What...What are you trying to cover up! I know what I saw! Get me out of here! I want to leave! Help! Doctor! Som-" Sebastian's hand covered my mouth. I tried to scream but they came out muffled sounds.

    I gained strength in my arm and tried to rip his off of me. It was useless. He was stronger. Much stronger. He started to cover my nose too and I slowly passed into unconsciousness. Then it was black....AGAIN!

    When I regained consciousness I was well aware of what had happened and fully irritated. The pain was almost completely gone. But how? Last time the pain was dead on and I could barely move a muscle. Now I was perfectly able and my pain had calmed itself.

    "What? How long have I been out?" Not realizing Sebastian was there to catch my words.

    "Almost a month and a half. That bump on your head caused some issues when you passed out last time. Are you feeling well? Doctor says you can return home in a couple days."

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