Chapter 4: The Feelings

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I awoke naked in Sebastian's bed. It wasn't the first time...or the second....or even the tenth time I've done this, but I didn't remember anything. At all. I did remember wine and the kisses, but after that nothing. I don't remember anything after that. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 6am. Work started in an hour. I rolled over to an already awake Sebastian. I looked into his eyes which revealed his true demonic colors. I shuddered at the dance of colors as he pulled me in. He held me for a while and kissed my forehead. He soon got up and started getting ready. He was always up and ready before anyone else. I too got up and walked over to my room for the day. That was the last normal week I had.

    About a week and a half to two weeks after Sebastian let me in on his littlesecret, I started feeling strange. I started having nauseous feelings and I couldn't help but notice my period hadn't come that month. It was a whole new month and nothing last month at all. It usually came at the end of every month, but nothing. Just nothing. I found myself being a little slower in the mornings and more tired. I felt strained and stressed. My lessons with Ciel were faltering and becoming less academic. Ciel began to dismiss me earlier than usual. I wasn't sure what was happening. I was just feeling...weird.

    "Sebastian," I said the one day, "I'm not feeling well. May I be dismissed for the day from my chores? I think I'm going to throw up."

    "Of course. Here." He said as he lead me up the stairs to my room. He placed me in my bed and got a wet rag for on my head.

    "I probably just need some rest. I haven't been sleeping much." But I found I was trying harder to convince myself more than I was him.

    "Of course." He said as he placed a kiss on my cheek. Then he exited my room and I dozed off.

    That night I had a bizarre dream.

I dreamed I looked into a mirror and saw my soul was missing. My eyes were demon-red. I was terrorizing a child and Sebastian stood there and watched with laughs. The child seemed to enjoy being dangled upside down and thrown. It kept coming back towards me and it looked just like Sebastian. Sebastian too began to throw the child back and forth with me. The child laughed and gave us both kisses.

I awoke to find morning's light peeking through my window. I instantly ran for the bathroom and threw up. The first that popped into my mind-

    "No. It's-it's not possible," I said aloud, "This can't be possible!"

    An hour after I threw up I asked leave to see my mother. I simply told Ciel she deserved a visit and he agreed and shooed me off. Sebastian drove me to her house in the carriage because he was headed to town anyways for Ciel.

    "Mum, what were your signs that you were pregnant?" I said after she set down our tea.

    "Oh, that's an unusual question. Why might I ask?"

    "My one friend whom I met in another town believes she might be. She's been nauseous and being sick a lot."

    "Well, I suppose I knew when I got sick all the time and I was late. But really this isn't appropriate tea conversation. So time about your life...working as a maid. I always thought you'd amount up to more." My mother truly hated my job position, but I shrugged her rude comment off.

    "My life is a really good. Thank you for asking. I enjoy my work and my master is a delight." After what seemed like hours of awkward conversation with my mother Sebastian came to get me.

    "Hello mademoiselle," he said as my mum opened the door, "Is ________ here?"

    My mother stood in a state of shock as the man left her a sweet smile.

    "Uh, why yes..s-she uh...she's in the room." My moronic mother couldn't take her gaze off of him and I could tell he was enjoying the attention.

    "Ah yes there you are Sebastian," I said as I stood up, "I suppose we should be getting back then?"

    "So soon? But he just got here. Maybe he would like to stay a while for some tea? I can go make some more?" My mother's gaze still fixed on Sebastian.

    "Unfortunately, I must go prepare my own Young Master's tea. Come along ________." Sebastian began to drag me from my spot.

    "Good-bye mum!" I shouted as I was pulled through the door.

    "Fascinating woman." Sebastian said as he helped me into the carriage.

    "That's one way to put it." I said as he shut the door.

    I felt a little nauseous as we made our way back.

    "What could be going on..?" I whispered out loud, a little afraid of the answers running through my mind. "What's with all of these strange dreams and feelings?"


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