Chapter 10: The Growing Demon

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     When I woke up I looked over to Sebastian getting ready and the light pouring in the room. It had almost been a full month since I was abducted and I still refused to sleep on my own. I don't think Sebastian cared to much though. I mean he got to watch over me every night instead of watching the ceiling. At least that's what I thought he did. I had no idea whether demons slept or not.

    "Sebastian, do demons sleep? Or do they not need it?" I asked.

    "Heh, you wouldn't believe how often the Young Master asks that same question." He turned around and to face me with a grin.

    "That's not an answer though. What do you do at night when I'm sleeping and so is everyone else?"

    "Nothing...I watch over over the plans for tomorrow...never leaving you of course." He came and sat down next to me. He placed his one hand on mine and ran his other down to my stomach. He looked at my 'baby-bump' and smiled. Not a sarcastic or playful one like usual, but an actually content smile. I looked up and met his gaze. His eyes were calm and seemed to illuminate a happy glow from them.

    "What about names?" I asked turning my view back to my stomach.

    "I haven't given it much thought. Have you?"

    "Not too much thought. A little, but I don't even know what gender we're having. Thinking of names is stressful actually."

    "Well, what have you been thinking about?" He said while gently rubbing my stomach.

    "Well if it's a girl...the first thing that came to me was Sarafina. For a boy...the first thing that came to me was Brenden. I mean we can talk about this in more depth later. That's just what I've been thinking about..." I looked up and saw a happy gaze directed towards me.

    "I love them...heh, Lizzie would be proud." He started chuckling at the comment. It seemed like so long ago she had been fussing over name possibilities.

    "Let's get to work." I said lightly smacking him off of me.

    We all started our day out normally. Sebastian made Ciel breakfast while I prepared Ciel's lessons. Finnian took care of Pluto...which turned into a failed attempt. Pluto burned down several trees. Mey-Rin managed not to break least until lunch time. Even Bard did good on his part. He managed to stay out of everyone's way and not blow anything up. As for Tanaka....he just lazed around and drank tea.

    After Ciel had his breakfast I went to his study to begin his lessons like usual. I began to ascend the stairs when I saw a flash of red and felt myself being pulled down the stairs backwards. A hand covered my mouth so I couldn't let out a shriek. All that came out was a few muffled cries. When I fell to the ground I was instantly ripped up and turned to face that pesky reaper, Grell Sutcliff. The first and last time I meant him he was trying to kill me.

    "Stop your complaining you stupid human! Eh, what does it take to get a little peace around here." He rolled his eyes and then looked down at my stomach. "I won't let a mere human raise my Bassy's child! You don't even deserve to be carrying it! You're unfit! You're just a human! You can't live forever like demons can. You're going to die and do you think Sebastian or that child will care? You should leave while you can. Before you have that...thing. I'll leave your last remarks to Sebastian if you give them to me." He was smiling and devilishly too. As much as I hated to admit it, he had a point.

    I can't live forever......I'm defenseless and couldn't protect me or my child.....I knew nothing about demons..let alone how to raise one.....I was just a weak mortal carrying around a demon child who kept trying to eat my soul. I'd be dead if it weren't for Undertaker and his medicine. I couldn't believe I was actually considering leaving. I looked around deep in thought arguing with myself when out of nowhere I felt a push. I felt a push on my stomach...but not from an outside force. It was an internal little growing demon was kicking. It was moving and I could feel it. I could feel small movements before, but today more than ever I felt it. I looked down to my stomach and saw my skin bump out a little as the child moved. I didn't I didn't...I loved this child and Sebastian. I felt myself get swept over with emotion.

    "Grell, get out. Leave. You'll never carry his child and you'll never have him! You can get over your sick fantasy! Nothing will ever happen between you and Sebastian...ever! You know it're just a jealous, psychotic, sexually confused freak!" I screamed and watched as the reaper cowered back with a little fear. My words were sharp like knives and I saw how each one individually cut him. I didn't care at this point. I was fed up with this asshole of a Shinigami. I was usually such a sweet person that when I yelled all this I felt like a different person.

    "I..You....E-......AHHHH!" He screamed and stormed out of the manor. I watched as he left and turned to face the stairs where I saw Sebastian standing at the top. He had a huge grin spread across his lips. I frowned in annoyance and he swept down to meet me.

    "Well, this a side of ________ I haven't seen before." He pulled me into a passionate and playful kiss.

    "I'm not a horrible person right?" I pulled away.

    "Grell had it coming. I would've done worse to him if I had been in the room. He'll get over it. Will should have him back to normal soon." He gave me a hug and left for his other chores. For the second time today I ascended the stairs to start the Young Masters lessons.

    I went through out the rest of the day without many issues. I had to help Mey-Rin clean up a broken vase and a few other things. I didn't mind though. I had poured out all of my angry pregnant rage on Grell and didn't feel all that stressed anymore.

    Later that night as I was preparing for bed my little demon began moving violently inside me again. My stomach again was bumping out.

    "Sebastian! Come here!" I yelled for him from his small bathroom. He came in looking worried.

    "What is it ________?!" He immediately searched for any danger.

    "No...come here!" I pulled him into me and grabbed his hand. I placed it on my moving stomach and watched as his expression changed. It went from panicked to a sort of shocked expression. He looked down at me with his crimson eyes and I thought I saw a hint of a tear forming.

    "That's our...child." He smiled and pulled me into a great hug.

    "Mhm...our child." I looked up with a huge smile and blush spread over my face.

    "You're so cute." He pulled me up and placed a light kiss on my lips.

    "I love you Sebastian." I giggled.

    "I love you more _________." he smiled wider and placed one hand back on my stomach. "Heh, it's our little growing demon."

    "Yeah....our little...growing...demon......." I let out the last word as a whisper.

    "Is something wrong __________?" he paused before finishing, "You're not worried about what Grell said right?"

    "Well....erm.....actually..........I....uh....yes....I am. I'm sorry, but I am. He's right....I'm just a human, I don't know anything about demons. I can't live forever....I'm just a carrier for this child. I won't ever see it grow to its full potential...I'm use-" Sebastian covered my mouth with his hand.

    "No _______! You're more than just that! You're not useless! I love you! Can't you see this isn't affecting only you? I can't lose you! I don't even enjoy talking about it! Demons aren't supposed to feel this way about humans....ever! I love you ________...........I love you......." His angry words softened as he whispered the last words.

    "I love you too........, but I don't know what we can do." I was started to get upset. I felt the tears begin to rise, but I resisted letting them fall.

    He let out a sigh and kissed my forehead. He lowered himself so that he was eye level with me. "I'm going to see the we want to come with me? I don't want to leave you here, so I'm asking." His voice was serious and was fixed on a mission.

    "Yes." I looked into his burning eyes and knew this visit wouldn't be a pleasant one.


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