Chapter 9: Captured

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"Sebastian, it's not a big deal. I can take the Young Master to town, I need some groceries for dinner tonight anyways." Sebastian hardly let me do anything anymore because of a certain something growing inside me.

    "________, chances are you'll run into that moronic reaper Grell. I will go with the Young Master to get his things and yours. You need to take your medicine and rest." Sebastian pointed to the vile. He knew how much I disliked taking my medicine. It felt like just last Sunday we had gone to get it, but it was actually five weeks later now. While the taste was becoming less bitter each week, it still tasted poorly.

    "Humph..., fine." I rolled my eyes at the butler and walked out of the kitchen. Moments later Sebastian left for the town. I retired to my room and closed my eyes. Exhaustion swept over me and I found myself drifting to sleep...............................

*Time Skip.....Eight Minutes Later*

    My eyes opened wide as my door slammed open.

    "There's another one!" came a rough Italian voice.

    "Grab 'em too!" called another.

    Rough hands pulled me from my bed as I shrieked. I was clawing to grab something to stop him. He pulled me from my bed and I smacked my head against the floor...hard.

    "Oomph! Get off of me! Stop! Put me down!" I screamed and prayed to God my demon would come to save me. Instead I received a harsh slap from the man dragging me from my room.

    "Shut up you slut! You're our prisoner now! Let's see how the precious Earl likes this!" He gave me a hard slap again and threw me to the ground. Pain raced through my body and I screamed out again. I looked down the stairs and saw that the goons were dragging the unconscious bodies of the other servants out the door....even Plutos. The vicious man kicked and smashed my head against the stair railing. Blood began to soak my head. He picked me up violently and carried me down the stairs and smashed my head against the main doorway...causing me to go unconscious.

    When I woke up I hurt all over and was in a dark cage. I was captured by some strange men, probably Mafia members. I looked down and saw I was stripped of my work clothes and wore nothing but some floozy outfit and chains. I had bruises, bumps, and cuts everywhere. I started crying and wanted Sebastian. I felt sick, hurt, and weak. My stomach hurt and I knew something had happened to upset my child. The medicine! I hadn't taken my medicine! How long have I been here....I was going to be losing eminence amounts of strength as long as I was here. I started to look around for an escape. Nothing but bars. A fire place in the room came on.

    "Heh. Glad to see you're up You've been out for a while." a stronger Italian-accented man than the ones I had heard spoke. "You seem to have a few extra pounds on you, but I suppose you still work."

    I looked over at a big, Italian man standing over my cage. I felt horror strike my heart.

    "W-where are the others you Italian ass!" I wanted to sound unafraid, but the screaming in my voice didn't help.

    "The males have been put to work since they arrived the other day and that other female...well...heh....she's in the room with my co-worker." He smiled a deep, toothy, terrifying grin and ran his hands over my cage. The sound of the 'clink, clink, clink' it was making made me shudder and retreat further back to my cage. This only seemed to please him, for his grin grew wider.

    "Go to hell you perv!" I screamed as he began to fumble with the lock on the cage door.

    "Don't you want to come out and play Doll? Last time you were out cold. Don't you want to remember coming out of your box?" He pulled on the chains that surrounded my ankles that lead out of the cage and I fell to the ground. He pulled on the chains and I was drug across the cage until my feet smashed against the cage door. The fire place barely left off enough light in the room making it hard to see his face completely. I knew he was still grinning, but I wanted to see his face. To know who the hell was messing with me. I wanted Sebastian to appear from the flames and stab him. Or whatever would get me out of here. I heard him fumble with keys until I heard the cage door swing open. He reached in and pulled me from the cage floor. I was completely defenseless and chained up. He pulled me into his big, hairy arms and started to place rough kisses on my neck. When he grew bored with that he began to lick his way up to my lips. He smelled heavily of smoke and champagne. The thought that I had been here for a whole day passed out scared me even more.

    "Eugh! Get off you gross pig!" I screamed. I spit on his face and watched as it grew wild with excitement. He was so scary and creepy it almost made me want to shudder. I stopped myself so as not to turn the weird man on even more. He threw me down to the closest couch and started to rub his hands everywhere. I felt the tears appear back in my eyes.

    "Don't worry Doll. I'm a pro." He started to laugh maniacally as he began to remove the floozy clothing. I screamed out in pure fear and pain. The weight of him on my stomach and my head still throbbing caused my pain to rise.

    I heard screaming outside the room and watched as the door was smashed down. A set of burning red eyes appeared at the now broken door.

"And don't you worry sir. You're at the hands of a demon!!!" Sebastian pounced through the air and grabbed the man off of me. I looked away and heard the snap of a neck. I winced at the sound and shut my eyes. The next time I looked up was when I heard the sound of breaking chains. I looked up with tear-filled eyes and Sebastian pulled me into him. He picked me up and carried me out while I cried on him. My sobs refused to halt as he found the others. They appeared to be in a better state than I. I clutched to Sebastian and refused to let him drive the carriage home. Bardroy, Finnian and Pluto sat outside and drove the horses while Mey-Rin, Sebastian, Ciel and I sat inside. I refused to talk to anyone. All I could do was clutch and cry on Sebastian. I didn't even realize I was barely clothed until we arrived back at the manor and Sebastian dressed me.

"Please...huh...let me stay with you...huh...tonight...I can't be alone!" I started to cry again and he pulled me into him.

"I will never...never leave you alone ever again ________!" He began to pet my head in an attempt to calm me. He took me to his room and layed me down on the bed. He pulled me into him and held me in silence. But, the silence was nice and calming. Just hearing his breath eased me. I fell asleep in his warm arms still with tears streaming down my face. I didn't ever want him to be gone...I loved him with my whole heart. I felt safe and loved with him. Even tonight's horrors seemed to disappear in his arms. I did have the most awful dream that night though. Absolutely horrifying..........

I was running through a dark forest by myself with no one around. I felt alone and scared. I was freezing cold and was shaking. As I almost reached the edge of the forest that awful Mafia man appeared. He started to beat and hit me and Sebastian was nowhere to be found. I looked down and saw my baby belly was shrinking and blood was hitting the ground. I....I was loosing my child. I looked up and saw I was all alone again. Not even the light of the moon shone upon me.

I woke up to a blood curdling shriek. It took me awhile to realize who was screaming. It was me. Sebastian jolted up from the bed to sit up with me.

"Shh..., _________, I'm here. You don't have to worry anymore. I've got you." He said kissing my head.

I looked up with tears in my eyes before I said, "It's useless....words are useless....because I'm always going to be his prisoner. The fear he has wrapped around my heart will never fade.....Sebastian........., never leave me."

He held me tighter and kissed the top of my head.

"I'll never leave you! I swear this by the light of the moon! I love you __________." He whispered.


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