Chapter 14: What Happens in the Field

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"Uhnnn...wha-.....what happ-.....what happened?" I blinked hard several times. I was trying to remember where I was or even who I was. I was so....confused. I gazed up and saw the sun.

"Outside...? Why...why am I outside? My head. Owww...." I mumbled aloud still in my still in my daze. That's when reality hit me.

    I was _______, a newly changed demon. Sebastian had changed me that previous night.

"Sebastian?!? Where was he? Why isn't he with me?! Where am I?! What happened after I was changed?! And why am I outside in the middle of nowhere?!?!" I mentally panicked.

"Sebastian?!? SEBASTIAN!?! Where are you?!?  Help! Where are you?!?!" I screamed and waited for something to occur. Nothing did.

I stood up and looked around. Things spun for a little while, but the dizziness passed quickly. I had to think. I had to figure out where I was. I had to find something familiar. Trees, and flowers, and grass. That's all I could see. But, something had changed. Not just my surrounding, but something about me. It was my senses.

My senses seemed to be sharpened...more intense. I couldn't explain it. I could smell the lilacs that were on the other side of the random field I was in. And my was so clear and enhanced. The smallest details were even brought to my attention.

"Woah...." I let out in disbelief. I took another glance around. "Hmm.., now why the hell would Sebastian leave me out here pregnant and alone?" Demon or human I was still pregnant and apparently pregnant hormones didn't change. That's when I heard swooshing. My head seemed to move on it's own. Like a reflex it was so used to. A crystal clear image of Sebastian leaping through the trees caught my attention.

"How am I seeing this? He's at least three miles away?!" I was so confused about how demons worked. "I wonder if.." And I jumped up into the air just as high as Sebastian was leaping. I landed on top of a tree and gasped. I was up so high with a single bound. I decided to jump back down to the ground only to meet Sebastian face to face.

"Ahh! There. You're exactly as I left you. Wonderful...even half out of it you listen." He tried to pull me into a hug but I jumped back.

"Sebastian!!! You left me out here in a daze. BY. MYSELF! ALONE!! What the hell! And you try to greet me all lovey dovey! Don't think so buster!!!" I screamed.

    Sebastian just stood there with a smirk while I continued with my rant.

"I mean you just left me here! I don't even know where I am! On top of that I don't remember hardly anything from last night!! What happened last night? Well don't ask me because I. Don't. Know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean really! Come on! I'm pregnant and a newly changed demon! I don't even know how to be a demon! Yet you just leave me here! What's going through that thick head of yours! Speak!"

After I was done he took me by the hand and said, "I love you _______."

    Human or not I still blushed when he said that. I smiled back and said, "I love you too Sebastian."

He looked into my eyes with pure passion and his. It was always like he could stare down into my soul. I wasn't even sure if I still had one or not, but the feeling I always got was the same.

He pulled me in close for a gentle yet passionate kiss. We could've kissed forever. With me no longer needing to breath, we honestly could have. But, a little kick from my stomach broke us apart from our kiss. He placed his hands on my belly and smiled as he felt our little child move.

He kneeled down and put his face to my stomach and whispered, "Hi, it's your dad. I love you and your mother very much." And he placed a kiss where the child was being held.

"Sebastian..." I whispered with a smile and a blush. I don't think anyone from the manor would ever believe he just talked to our unborn child. It was cute and sweet and...and...and I loved him so much. No one in the world could screw up this feeling I had. Not even Grell, who once made me doubt Sebastian and my relationship, could ruin this love. I was so happy to be with Sebastian.

    He stood up and looked at me. "I do love you and our child."

    "I know, I lo-" but he cut me off.

"No really," his eyes looked down at me, "I really love you _______. I very much do. The fire that burns inside me shouldn't ever be there in a demon. But, I love every minute of it. Demons aren't meant to fall in love, but..but you...I love you so much it's ridiculously strong. I've loved you since I first met you." And with that he pulled on my hands and dropped down on one knee. "Marry me?"


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