{Jamilton} Nonstop (10)

Start from the beginning

"No more typing tonight," he told me strictly and put my laptop on the kitchen counter.  "Promise me no more typing tonight."

I sighed in defeat, not even willing to fight against my Virginian boyfriend.  "Fine.  But I get it back tomorrow."

"Deal," Thomas flopped down next to me with the pizza box, smiling as he got me a slice from the box.  He placed the box on the coffee table after I got my slice.  He grabbed his own before wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me against him as we both ate.  He turned on the TV and found a movie we both enjoyed, smiling fondly at me.  I kissed his cheek and leaned my head on his shoulder as we ate.

Too soon for my liking, Thomas was yawning next to me.  "You want to go to bed?" I asked softly.

"After I pick up the pizza," he stood up and I groaned in disapproval, upset that I didn't have his warmth anymore. 

He quickly put the pizza away and went back to me.  "Are you going to finish the movie?" He asked.

"Yeah, I want to see how it ends," I replied, looking at my tall boyfriend.

"Come to bed when you feel tired," Thomas yawned and walked to the bedroom, saying a small "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I called back, watching the movie with all of my focus. 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I watched the clock with anticipation, a mug in my grip and my laptop in my lap.  The clock struck 12 P.M. and I got back to typing instantly.  I couldn't help but try and stay quiet as I typed, not wanting to wake up Sleeping Beauty in there. 

As the hours went by, I was running out of stuff to write.  I finished all the essays I was told of, I can't think of any more debate ideas for debate club.  So I started writing a whole essay about how much I loved Thomas Jefferson. 

His beautiful, curly hair popped into my mind first as I thought about the most beautiful features about him.  His beautiful, dark brown eyes came next.  As did his toned cheek bones and jawline.  His jawline could cut a diamond in half.  The smooth skin that his body was made of was such a beautiful color, it made my mind insane.  His toned abs make my heart melt into lava.  His smile made the sun look like nothing. 

Then his personality.  He's so driven and determined when he needs to be.  He can also act very child-ish and adorable.  When he's around me and other people, he gets very protective over me and confident to drive the other males and females away.  Sometimes I notice, but he doesn't think I do.  He cares for me and loves me and I love him, too.

Then I remember things about me.  How I'm not perfect like him.  My messy, jet black hair was greasy and always up.  My boring, chocolate brown eyes that everyone I noticed seemed to have.  I don't have toned anything and I just don't look confident in anything I wear.  I like baggy sweatshirts and skinny jeans.  I like more girl clothing than guy clothing.  It makes me feel like I don't deserve Thomas.  He's so perfect and I'm just... Me.

I ended up typing those facts into my last paragraph before I noticed someone standing in front of me, their arms crossed in frustration as they stared at me.  "Uh, hi," I murmur nervously, saving the essay I made. 

"Hi indeed," Thomas replied, taking the laptop from my lap.  He placed it on the coffee table and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.  "Ah!  Thomas!  Put me down!" I swung my feet back and forth in an attempt for him to drop me, but it never worked before. 

"Remind me again, what was our agreement?" Thomas asked as he carried me to the bedroom.

I sighed and rested my elbows on his back, my head resting on my hands as my face heated up.  "No more typing tonight," I replied. 

"And... What time is it now?"

"Ugh-," I looked at the time from the alarm clock that was in our room.  "Four A.M.," I murmured. 

I was set on the bed and I looked at Jefferson with big, pitiful eyes.  "Alex, you can't just stay up every night.  It isn't healthy for you," He crawls into bed next to me and I look at him. 

"I'm sorry I broke your promise," I mumble.

Thomas pulled me into his chest, rubbing my back softly.  "It's okay, baby.  Just get some sleep.  I'll set the rules for typing tomorrow."

"I love you," I say groggily as I drift off to sleep.

"I love you, too," was the last words I heard before falling asleep.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Morning came too soon. I hid my face from the sunlight that beamed through my window as Thomas kept his arm securely around me. "Morning, babygirl," a murmur slopped from Thomas' mouth. I groaned in reply before rolling away from him, trying to cover my eyes from the light. A small chuckle emitted from the Virginian.

Slowly, my eyes peeled open and I looked back at my boyfriend who laid there, his arm holding him up as he looked at me with satisfaction. "Do you want me to make breakfast?"

"Yes please!" I replied happily.  He kissed my nose before getting up, placing some sweatpants on and heading to the kitchen.  I rolled to his side of the bed and took his pillow, hugging it tightly as his smell invaded my senses.  I smiled like a child and hugged the pillow tighter.  "Alex, can you come here?"

I heard concern in his voice so I got myself out of bed and went to the kitchen.  When I noticed he was in the living room and not in the kitchen, I went to the area and noticed he had my laptop open and it sat on the coffee table.  "Alex, baby, why is there just a whole paragraph saying bad things about you?  And only good things about me?"

I looked at him, nervously.  I wanted to delete that before he had a chance to see it.  "I, uh," I couldn't really save myself from this one. 

Thomas stood up and walked over to me.  My eyes found their way to the floor as I noticed he was right in front of me.  "Alexander," his soft tone brought chills down my spine.  "Is that how you feel about yourself?"  Slowly, I nodded.  "Oh, baby," he mumbled and hugged me tightly, putting my head against his chest.  I heard him sniffle as he hugged me tightly. 

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

"There is nothing to be sorry for," Thomas told me as he separated.  I noticed the streaks of tears on his cheeks. "Alexander, come sit down."

He led me to where the couch was and sat down. I sat down as he took my hands in his, trying to find my eyes as he spoke. "Alexander, you are beautiful. Your hair is long and beautiful and I love to feel it and play with it because it makes you happy. I love your body, even if it isn't like mine. You're unique and I love you for it. I also love your amazing personality and your beautiful brown eyes catch my attention. Other people might have the same color but no one has that beautiful spark you have.

"And don't you worry about how I look. I have insecurities about my looks, but babe, you are beautiful and you shouldn't feel that way about how you look. I think you are the most gorgeous person in my life," Thomas squished me into a hug and I hugged him back instantly, letting his warmth take me over.

"Thank you."

"Okay, now I'm going to make us breakfast and we're going to enjoy life. How about that?" Thomas snapped his fingers playfully and I laughed.

"Why not?" I shrugged and got him up, smiling the entire time.

The entire day, I didn't touch my laptop.

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

Word Count: 1899
Published: 3-28-18

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