Chapter 25

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I think I mentioned this before...but some of the dates in the story might be different.. for example Chanyeol and Baekhyun's audition....I will edit everything once I am done with the story. Sorry for the inconvenience :P

Chapter 25
Jasmine's POV

"So what do you want?" I asked L

"Ermm let's go to an amusement park!" L exclaimed.

"Amusement park? But it's Christmas Eve there might be too many people and they might recognize you. " I said anxiously.

"Good point.. You want to go for a movie instead?"

"Wait L, to protect your career and my privacy, how about we go in a group instead of alone. We never know what can happen..." I stated nervously.

"Relax. Nothing will happen.." He assured me.

"Sure or not?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yah... Now c'mon..." L started dragging me along the road.

"Yah yah yah! Wait put on your disguise first Pali!"

"Oh right, okay hold on"

"Wait I was thinking...there are not really any good movies released now let's go eat something, I'm starving!" I suggested rubbing my stomach.

"Food huh? Ermm ok let's go to my sunbae's restaurant." L answered.


Finally deciding on what to do we headed towards his car. I got into the front seat placing my bag on my lap. After a while shophouses and small shops selling all kinds of stuff surrounded us. The place was crowded with people.

"Wah is this Hongdae?" I asked L.

"Oh! How did you know?" L asked me surprised.

"Haha I saw this place many times in shows.." I replied smiling.

"Oh I see ..."

"Last time when you just debuted, you guys shot sesame player in this kind off place right? HAHA those episodes were really fun to watch! Managers chasing you guys.." I said laughing slightly.

"True! We really had fun shooting that show. The first episode where we got freedom.." He replied smiling.

After chatting we reached the place and I stopped moving.

"Jas? Jas? Are you okay?" I heard L ask me.

"$;&;@$:!/& Ahhhh! Ha Dong Hoon's restaurant!" I screamed

"Ow! Yup it is, you know him?" He asked his ears cringing at my scream.

"Know him? I LOVE HIM! PORORO!! KAJA! Pali!" I dashed out of the car leaving a shocked L inside the car.

I was so excited to finally enter Haha's restaurant for the second time. The waitress have nametags on their backs :D I also heard that this place was shared between Haha and Gary so some of the waitresses had "개리" written while some had "하하" ^^~

We quickly ordered our food and while waiting I took pictures of the shop and selfies with L to show Sam.

"Jas, why are you so excited?"

"I am a huge fan of running man! I never got the chance to meet them or go to any fan meets so being here is like a dream to me...You guys were the first celebrities I met." I said while pouting and then smiling.


Wow I see she is not one of those obssessed fans who go through great measures in trying to get a ticket. I was always grateful to fans who really are willing to watch us perform and live our dream:) I guess she is more of the calm type. I decided to surprise her and call Dong Hoon Hyung. But first I needed a distraction.

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