Chapter 42

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Jasmine was accepted into JYP  and was moving into the dorms. On her last day Chanyeol dumped her and she was in disbelief.

Chapter 42

Jasmine's POV

I walked back into the house still shocked about what I just heard. Majority of my heart tells me that something is wrong and Chanyeol is not telling me. He was my first boyfriend and this is my first heartbreak. I was unsure about what to feel. My heart felt heavy and stuffed. I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around.

"Hey you okay?" Krystal asked me sounding worried.

Hearing that I felt my eyes watering up. Krystal sensed something was wrong and brought me out to the porch so I could explain to her.

"What?! He said that to you?" She exclaimed.

"Shhh the rest might here"

"But why though you guys were all lovey dovey just a few days ago"

"Exactly I also don't know. He says he's sick of me but I don't believe it. I think something is wrong but he won't tell me" I said on the verge of crying trying to fight back my tears.

"It's okay I'm pretty sure he has a valid reason. Maybe he just needs a bit of time. I know the way he looks at you. Don't worry." Krystal assured me.

I slightly nodded and we headed back into the house.

"Hey! Where did you all go?" Baekhyun asked

"Right out front to eat some ice cream" Krystal said smirking.

"What?! And you didn't buy for us?" He exclaimed

"Sorry didn't have the money"

I mouthed a 'Thank You' to Krystal as I sneaked a glance at Chanyeol who had his eyes glued to the TV. I sighed and decided to give him time.

A few minutes later everyone felt tired and decided to go home. After the chat we had Chanyeol didn't look at me at all. Krystal have me a hug as she exited the door last. I went up to my bedroom depressed. I lost my motivation to go to the dorms. My excitement disappeared. All I could think of was what was wrong with Chanyeol and if he was okay.

'Hey it's me, if something is wrong please tell me. Please don't ignore me. We can work this out together. I miss you.' - Jasmine

I texted Chanyeol about 30mins after everyone left. It has been 2h now and no reply. I sighed realising that he has made up his mind to ignore me. I decided to finally fall asleep as I had a big day tomorrow.

Chanyeol's POV

My heart broke everytime I said something to Jasmine that night. I didn't have a choice. I had to hurt her and make her forget me. My parents were getting a divorce and my dad has forced me to go Australia with him to help him with his business. I tried my best to convince them but it didn't work. I had 2 weeks before I left for Australia.

Jasmine being Jasmine, I was pretty sure she wouldn't believe any reason I gave her as we broke up. I saw the message she sent me and tears filled my eyes. I couldn't imagine living in Australia without her. I was mad at myself as I destroyed her mood for tomorrow and broke her heart.

Jasmine's POV

Finally it was the day I was moving into the trainee dorms. I was half excited and half depressed. The smile on my face wasn't genuine. I dragged my laugage to the car JYP had prepared. I bid farewell to my family took one last look at the house before boarding the car.

'Chanyeol, I left to stay at the dorms. Please talk to me. Maybe I can help' -Jasmine

I sent 1 last text to Chanyeol before officially starting my trainee duties.

*2 weeks later*

It has been weeks and Chanyeol still hasn't contacted me. In fact even I didn't have the time to text him. I felt that we were slowly drifting apart .

'Jasmine! Hurry Chanyeol is leaving for Australia today in 3h! Kai will somehow try to hold him back until the last minute quick!" - Krystal

I read the message with my eyes wide opened. Krystal sent me this an hour ago. Shit shit means there's only 2h left. I told my trainer my family was having some troubles and they needed me and begged him to give me a day off. After alot of pleasing he finally said okay. I grabbed a small bag and directly headed towards the airport. Australia? But why?

Once I reached the airport I searched everywhere for him. I bet I looked like an ostrich in search for food. I was furiously running here and there looking for the familiar tall figure. Just as I was about to give up searching after 30mins, I spotted him 100m away at the immigration counter. I ran as fast as I could. Maybe my best 100m record in my life. I grabbed his hand and turned him around dragging home out of the queue. His eyes were round in shock.

"Jasmine what are..."

I stopped him in the middle by showing my hand and I was trying my best to catch my breath.

"Yah! Park Chanyeol! What do you think you are doing?! How can you just leave like that without an explanation. Don't tell me to believe the lies you told me the other day." I exclaimed on the verge of crying.

"Jasmine please go away" He said trying to free his hand from my grip. But I held it even tighter. I placed my hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes.

"Chanyeol ah, what's wrong? We're a team right I'm here to help you. I can't live without you. you.." I said slowly looking down.

After a moment of silence Chanyeol suddenly hugged me tightly. I could feel hot tears fall on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and slowly tapped his back assuring him that I was beside him.

Chanyeol explained to me his situation and I was shocked. I couldn't believe his parents divorced. What was worse is I won't be able to see him for 2 years. I held in my tears and looked happy so that he doesn't feel bad.

"Chanyeol ah I think it's right to help your family in this time of difficulty...." I started. Chanyeol seemed shocked by my reaction.

"Chill I'm not saying we break up. Just that we won't be able to see each other until after 2 years. Long distant relationship I guess. We can Skype and call each other. 2 years is a very long time we won't get tired of each other right?" I slightly joked.

Chanyeol looked at me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Sorry, I'll make it up to you." He whispered. We stayed in that position for awhile until we heard the announcement for the last boarding passengers.

This was the last time I'll see him in a long time. I pulled him down and kissed him before bidding goodbye. I watched him as he walked further and further away until he disappeared from sight.


Next chapter is gonna be the last chapter :)

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