Chapter 10

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Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait but yah since school has started it has been a very tight schedule so i have no time to write :( 

So here it is :D

Chapter 10 

Chanyeol's POV

"OH MAI GOD! This stupid maths! ARGHH I GIVE UP," 

"Yeol ah, chill you will get it sooner or later," my mom tried to lighten the mood. 

"It just doesn't make any sense! I mean why do we need to learn all this! It's not like I am going to use "alpha and betta" in my life anymore," I exclaimed banging my head on the table in defeat. 

"Aigoo, just call one of your friends and ask them to teach you. I am not so good in that kind of stuff so don't try to ask me," My mother got up from my bed and went downstairs to cook dinner. 

It's 7PM I don't think any of my friends would be willing to come to my house so late since they live so far away. I could have asked Suho hyung, only if he wasn't in a different country right now. After 10minutes of randomly sitting at my desk and thinking of what excuse I will have to come up for tomorrow when I hand in my homework, I thought of something. I realised a friend who lives really close by is also very smart and good at maths.

*Ring ring* 

---No one picks up-- 

*Ring Ring*

--No one again-- 

"Ring Ring"

"Hel...aniya...erm.. annyeonghaseyo?"

Finally she picks up! Wow first girl I called three times...

"Annyeong Jas this is Chanyeol..." 

"Oh Chanyeol what's up" She said sounding a bit confused. I explained to her my problem and waited for her to get permission from her parents. 

After what felt like forever she finally replied and said that she was coming over. I hung up the phone and thought to myself "Wow strict parents. Need to talk for so long before going to the house right next door.."

After a few minutes the door bell rang and Jas walked through the door. She was wearing plain and simple clothes with her hair tied up. She still looked pretty. Wait what? Did I just say pretty? Oh no.... 

Anyway, we greeted each other before heading upstairs to my room. 

"No funny business!" My mum yelled. 

My face heated up at that comment and yelled back "MUM!" I looked down and walked faster trying to avoid eye contact with Jasmine. I reached my room, but turned around to see Jasmine staring at my guitar. 

"It's fine as long as she doesn't touch them," I shrugged and thought to myself. Suddenly I saw her hands advancing towards the guitar and strumming them. My eyes opened wide and I made my way towards her feeling angry. Nobody touches my guitar without my permission.

"NOO! Don't touch Echo!" I shouted. Jas was taken aback by the sudden raise in voice as I saw her frozen to her spot eyes wide open. I started comforting the guitar. I know it's weird but that's just how I am. I have been learning guitar since I was young and Echo has been through all the difficulties with me.

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