Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Finally it's our first Christmas in Korea! I woke up with a spring in my step and walked towards the bathroom to freshen up. As usual, I cleaned up my wound from the other day because of Jing Yee. Although it was a minor injury it took some time to heal completely. I carefully applied medicine on the area so that there will be no scars left. My parents are still not aware of all this. I had been bullied before but that was not as serious as this... But I know how to control myself. I won't hate myself or harm myself just because of others. Okay enough with the sad stuff let's go and celebrate CHRISTMAS :D

I walked downstairs and saw aunty,uncle,my parents and my brother all decorating the house. We were too busy to do it yesterday and since everyone has a holiday today we decided to do it now. I sat cross legged on the floor in the living room and helped aunty Belle to cut some snowflakes and stockings to paste around the house. I started cutting 2 pieces of leaves and a red circle. I stuck the 2 leaves on the circle with the circle in the middle. It was something my mum taught me when I was old enough to use the scissors.

"Oh Jas I see you're making a mistletoe?" Aunty asked.

"Mistletoe? This thing is a mistletoe?" I asked holding it up and showing aunty.

"It looks like it.." She replied.

"Haha I guess you're right! I never actually knew what it was..." I replied sheepishly.

My parents were setting up a huge christmas tree in a corner. Hanging ornaments of different sizes and colour. After few minutes they started complaining about the tangled Christmas lights. All I could do was laugh at them with something so simple. It's the same feeling when your headphones get tangled when you are traveling and are carrying many things. It's very frustrating and annoying you get impatient and then many things go wrong.

"Mum! Dad! PATIENCE! It's all about patience. Take a deep breath and trace the wire to see how it can be untangled..." I shouted across the hall.

"Arraso Arraso.." My mum replied.

Tsk tsk Parents..I thought to myself as I shook my head in disappointment.

"So Jas do you have anyone special to celebrate Christmas with you today?" Auntie asked.

"Of course I have! CHANYEOL! " I thought to myself but told her..

"Not really. I am planning to spend half of the day with my family the other half with a couple of my friends to pass them their Christmas presents!" I said smiling.

"Oh I see you have already planned out your day.."

"Hmm.." I finished my final decoration by hanging the star at the stop of the Christmas tree :)

"Done! MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!" I exclaimed once we were finally done.

I heard a chorus of merry Christmas and then the parents went to the living room to plan the day. I went upstairs and took my phone and went out to the balcony.

I texted Chanyeol to come out to the balcony. After texting I started scrolling through my Instagram. It was only my fifth picture when Chanyeol came outside. Wow so fast.

"So fast? Were you waiting for me to text you?" I asked grinning...

"Haha so I was waiting to give you this.. just didn't when to give you but you made my life easier by texting me .." He replied holding out a box wrapped, in front of me.

"Wow you bought me a present? Now I feel guilty for not buying you one..." I lied to him.

"Err it's okay.." he replied sounding a bit disappointed. I tried my best to hide my laughter.

Dream come true { EXO Chanyeol }Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt