Chapter 35

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----Two weeks later----

After Chanyeol's confession that day. Life in school was not easy for him but I found it very amusing. His teammates would constantly tease him by saying
"Eh man, I love you too"
Chanyeol obviously found it irritating however, after a few days it died down.
Now no one cares about what happened that day.

"Chanyeol! Today we get back our results!!" A excited Beakhyun exclaimed.

"What results?" I asked as I walked towards my seat.

"Audition results" Chanyeol replied in a monotone.

"I see why Baekhyun is excited but what happened to you? Why the mood?" I asked

"Cause I don't really expect much. I don't think we'll get accepted..." He replied.

"Ehh I heard you rap that day! I think with your rapping and Baekhyun's singing no agency will reject your audition!" I tried to comfort Chanyeol.

•••That Evening•••


Baekhyun had come over to my house to view the mail together. Will we get accepted or were we rejected? All we could do was to wait.

Finally at 7:00PM a new mail arrived...

*I am sorry but you have failed the audition. Please try again next time*

"Wow, although I kinda expected this outcome....but now that I read it...I don't know what to say," I said. Disappointment struck me like a lightning. I felt regretful and guilty at the same time. I know me and Baekhyun had put in a lot of effort for this audition and now its all gone down the waste.

"It's okay...Yeol ah, let's try again after our midterms" Baekhyun said trying to cheer me up and be optimistic.


'Soooo how did it go?'

I got a text from Jasmine about the results. I was hesitating about weather I should tell her or not. She would be very disappointed...

"Who's that?" Baekhyun asked

"Jas....she's asking me the results...should I tell her?"

"It doesn't make a the end she will would be better if you tell her now," Baekhyun replied

'We didn't make it....' (I replied the SMS)


Suddenly I heard sounds from my window. I drew the curtain and found Jasmine whacking my window with a stick. I opened my window to reveal Jasmine's shocked face.

"Ya! Are you serious? How could you guys have not passed? Makes no sense...I think the director there is blind and deaf...He needs specs and hearing aids...aish.." She said everything in one breath.

Hearing that me and Baekhyun laughed a bit.

"Wah it's so nice to have a friend who curses the director for us.." Baekhyn exclaimed.


I couldn't believe that the boys didn't make it. I couldn't understand why. The more aggravating part is that the email doesn't mention why they failed. I hate when they do that. They give us no way to improve on our mistakes.

"So are you guys gonna try again?" I asked

"Yah most likely after the exams.." Baekhyun answered.

"Chanyeol did you rap the same song which you did on the rooftop?" I asked

"Err no I did another song with Baekhyun..." He replied.

"Ohh. Anyway..don't worry guys...past is the can always try again and do better," I tried to comfort them.

*RING RING* (Suddenly my phone starts to ring)

"Err ok sorry I need to get that so see you at school tomorrow!Bye! Don't be too disappointed!" I mentioned while closing the window.

(Bold- caller not bold-Jasmine)


'Is this Jasmine Chan?'

'Yes this is her'

'Good evening Ms. Chan, I am calling from JYP entertainment and am happy to notify you that you have been given a chance to audition for our agency!'

'I'm sorry what?'

'To make things more clear...We actually viewed a video of you online and recognised your capabilities. We are hoping that you would audition for our agency and train to be a singer. It is not necessary to make the decision at this moment. You are given a week to give a reply. The next auditions are conducted next Sunday and JYP studio'

'Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. I will think about it and inform you about my decision later'


What? What? Am I dreaming...Is this spam? Is it a prank? Or is it for real?! All kinds of thoughts floated through my mind. I was so excited at the idea of actually going to an audition. But all the excitement washed off the minute I realised all the obstacles I had to overcome in this one week to even enter the JYP building.

1. Parents

How should I tell this to my parents. I never ever thought I had such talent so I never really thought about being a singer. It was always the obvious either engineer/doctor/teacher/designer....never thought about a celebrity.

"Mummmm...I have something important to tell you...." I asked cautiously

"What is it?"

"Can you come with me to my room?" I asked

"Sooo..just now I got this call." I started off

"What call?"

"A person from JYP entertainment called me and asked me to audition for their agency."

"What?! Why? How would they even know you?"

"Let me show you this first..." I showed her my video on youtube.

"Oh my god is that you?! 1 million view! Wow" My mum exclaimed shocked to see the video

"When Chanyeol and I went to arcade someone took a video of me and posted it. The agency saw this and asked me to audition. They gave me one week to decide. Anyway its just an audition not like I'm getting accepted 100% into the agency." I tried to convince my mum.

"Ok this now I have to discuss it with your father and call the agency to confirm it is not a joke or spam." She said in a serious tone.

"Wait what? are you allowing this?" I asked shocked.

"Well it doesn't harm to just audition..." She said shrugging.

"Mum stop're scaring could you change so much...what happened to the mum who says 'NO' to everything.." I said backing away.


'Thx Jas for your comforting words' Chanyeo texted me.

Oh my gosh! Right Chanyeol...I forgot about how I would tell him about my call....I can't tell him now...his agency just rejected him and if he realises I suddenly got an audition request...what would he feel :( #dilemma

'No problem! Smileeee :)' I replied and then fell asleep.


Updated :) Three more days to the end of exams :D

Sry for the long wait. Thank you very much for reading...I have more story ideas for the next few chapters xD

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