Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*RING! RING!* My alarm rang. I lazily got out of bed and looked at the clock. After yesterday's incident I had no mood to go to school. I stared at the clock as my eyes slowly adjusted to the light and opened.

"OH SHIT! I am so freaking late! Arghgh why did no one wake me up!" I cursed under my breath and got ready for school is the fastest time possible.

When I went downstairs I realized there was no one home. I saw a note taped to the fridge.

"Jas, we need to go for our job interviews ...we left early. Your brother went to school early too. There's food in the fridge. Heat it up and enjoy :) - Mum "

I crumbled the note and threw it in the dustbin. They could have woken me up before leaving. I had no time to eat breakfast so I just ran out of the house and made my way to school.

I rushed into class gaining all the attention on myself. The teacher stopped midway of her explanation and turned around to face me. I quickly went inside and apologized for being late.

"Ok quickly go and settle down we are gonna start on a new chapter,"

"Ne,"(Yes in a formal way) I replied and walked to my seat.

"Ok class please take out your English textbook," The teacher announced to the class.

I rummaged through my bag and banged my head on the table in frustration.

"Damn it I did not bring the book, Aish!"

I had forgotten to bring the book since I was in a hurry. The teacher went on rounds checking who had the books. When she reached me, I bowed my head down and told her I did not bring it. She scolded me for being irresponsible and told me to stand outside with Chanyeol.

Huh? Chanyeol? I looked up and saw him walking out of class. I figured he had also forgotten.

"I'm sorry," I walked out and stood next to Chanyeol.

"So forgot to bring?" I asked him.


"SHH No talking!" The teacher shouted from inside. Immediately we stood up straight and kept our lips sealed.

For the whole lesson I just stared into space and tried not to fall asleep. My eyelids were heavy as if they weighted 10kg. Finally after 50mins of standing, class was over and we walked back.

"Aigoo," I massaged my legs and drank some water. I decided to go to the washroom to wash up since I was really sleepy. I walked into the washroom while tying my hair as I did not have the chance to actually comb and tie my hair nicely. I rolled my eyes in frustration. You know the situation where the bully is the bathroom the exact time you want to use it. I really thought all that happened only in dramas and movies. Unfortunately, this was no drama for me and I was stuck in this situation.

I just washed my face and applied a bit of water to my fringe before pining it up to avoid any distractions. As I was walking out Jing yee called out my name. Well not my name but yah just called me.

" Yah you new kid,"

I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face while i turned around. Suddenly I felt cold water come in contact with my face.

"WHAT THE SHIT! You crazy woman?!" I screamed shocked by what she just did. My upper body was completely drenched.

"What? I thought you liked water in your hair. Your hair looked ugly so I just added a bit of water to make it better," Jing yee said as if it was not big deal.

Dream come true { EXO Chanyeol }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora