Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Skip to back at home after sighseeing*

I dragged my exhausted legs upstairs and laid flat on my bed. I closed my eyes for a while before going to take a shower. I decided to go online and chat with my friends today. I was excited to tell them everything that happened the whole week. I could not go online for a week! It was so boring without internet or any friends to talk to. Finally the internet was fixed and installed in my laptop and now I can use it peacefully.

I went online and saw what all the buzz was about. Some of my friends posted pictures of them in different countries and enjoying their holidays. They gave me an idea to post my picture too. I selected a few good ones and posted it online. Almost immediately people started liking the picture and telling me that I was so lucky. Just saying but I had many friends who liked kpop and watched korean dramas. I just laughed it off and liked every comment.

I saw that my friend was online and decided to Skype call her.

"SAM!" I shouted

"Ahhh I almost lost my ears..shhh,"

"I missed you! How is life in Singapore?" I calmed down and started a normal conversation.

"It's the same. I am going overseas soon so I might not be able to chat," Sam replied while sighing.

"Oh then we better make the most of this chat,"

"Let me tell you all the things I did and who I met," I told

After telling her everything I did the whole week in detail, this was her reaction.

"Jas, I don't like you anymore. How could you be so lucky to be friends with Jessica's sister!"

Sam was a very huge SNSD fan. She really liked them a lot. She talked about them all the time. I was going to talk more about how school was but was interrupted by a phone call. I bid goodbye to Sam and told her that we will chat some other time. I looked at the caller ID but it was an unknown number. Thinking that it might be an important call, I picked up the phone.

"Hel...aniya...erm.. annyeonghaseyo?"

"Annyeong Jas this is Chanyeol,"

"Oh Chanyeol what's up?" I was bewildered on how he got my phone number.

"Ermm I was wondering if you have some time....I have a little difficulty in solving a problem of our homework ....and was wondering if you could come over a teach me?" Chanyeol asked in a unsure tone.

I thought about it for a moment. "Chanyeol hold on. I need to ask my parents first," I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I asked my mum if I could go over to the neighbours house to help my friend with a homework problem. My mum took so long in asking all the details. I quickly explained that it was one of my classmates, Chanyeol and he just live next door. My mum thought for a while before finally allowing me to go.

"Chanyeol, ok my parents allowed me. I will be there in 15 minutes is that ok?"

"Yah sure thanks," He replied then ended the call.

I changed into more decent clothes. Just a plain t-shirt and jeans. I combed my hair and tied it up in a pony tail. I grabbed my jacket and wore my boots. As I opened the door, cool breeze blew against me.

"Ahh so cold" I quickly made my way to Chanyeol's house. The wind was so strong. My hands already felt like they were frozen. I opened his gate and went forward to ring the bell. The bell rang twice before a young looking woman opened the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I am Jasmine, Chanyeol's classmate." I bowed and greeted the lady.

"Oh Jasmine, come in, come in don't stand in the cold for so long. " I smiled at her and quickly removed my boots before entering the house.

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