Chapter 11

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All my friends gone to celebrate CNY so very bored. I shall update :)

Chapter 11

Jasmine's POV

"EWW CHANYEOL GROSS!" I shouted grabbing a tissue and wipping the water that spilled on me and my books.

"Sorry, sorry" He replied waving the situation off. He had is eyes glued on the new kid the teacher had just introduced.

The guy was cute but I did not know Chanyeol liked this kind of stuff too. I can understand why girls would drool over him but I don't get why Chanyeol is......My thought got cut off when I felt a strong push shoving me to the ground.

"Baekhyun! Here! There is a seat!" Chanyeol yelled raising his hand. He looked like a happy kid who just got tons of candy.

I looked at my hand and saw blood oozing from the cut I just got against the table. I glared at him and yelled "YAH! What are you doing?" I saw him pack my bags and move it to the table behind him.

By them Baekhyun was already moving towards my table. I could not believe what he just did.I decided to remain calm and sit at the empty seat. This time I was sitting alone.

Sitting alone has it advantages and disadvantages. I mean during class I can use 2 tables and there is no one to disturb me.

But sometimes I feel lonely since I have no one to talk to and it gets boring.

That day I was really angry at Chanyeol and ignores him for the whole day. I treated him like he was invisible. I had my lunch with Krystal like normal and my lessons passed by in a breeze. It was dismissal time.

I packed my bag and was about to head out when I got stopped by Chanyeol.

"Hey Jas! This is Baekhyun! I have known him since we were...." I walked away leaving Chanyeol standing there.

"Hey Jas what's wrong," I ignored him and fastened my pace. What's wrong? How can he not know? I clenched my fist and cringed in the sudden pain. I had forgotten about my cut. I decided to go to the nurse and ask her if she had any spare bandages.

The nurse helped me disinfect my wound and she carefully placed the bandage over. I thanked her and made my way out.

Chanyeol's POV

I couldn't believe that Baekhyun transferred to my school. My best bud from middle school. School life had been really boring since I had not made true friends with whom I could hang out with.

But now Baekhyun's here! It makes me feel so comfortable. One thing I did not understand was that....why was Jas ignoring me?

"Yah yeol ah, whose that girl?" Baekhyun asked as we saw Jas walking away while I was introducing him to her.

"Oh she? She's also a new kid. Been here only for few weeks. She's cool has a strong and bright personality," I explained.

"Ohhh, she looks really pretty," Baekhyun said out of the blue.

"I know right!" I said while starring at her walk away. I realized what I had said and slapped myself. What was I thinking?

"Woo~ Does Chanyeol-ssi here have a crush?"

"No I don't please I barely know the girl," And with that we decided to go back home.

On the way out I saw Jas come out of the nurse's office. I saw the bandage on her hand and wondered what was wrong?

"Hey Jas!" Krystal from our class walked up to Jas.

"Oh Hi Krystal!" Jas replied

"Hey what happened to your hand?"

"Oh just a small cut I got when I fell off the chair in class today," She said trying to say it was no big deal.

When I heard that, my eyes widened. I realized I had hurt Jasmine.

"Oh shit, Baekhyun Jas got that cut when I pushed her out of her seat," I informed Baek.

"No wonder she's mad at you,"

I rubbed the back of my neck as I tried to think of a way I could say sorry.

Baekhyun doesn't live near my house. We went our separate ways once we reached the gate of the school. I saw Jasmine walking alone so I decided to catch up with her.

"Jas!" I shouted to get her attention.

*No reply*


*No reply*

"Jas," I said waving my hand in front of her face. Then I realized she was listening to music and thus could not hear me call her.

She removed her headphones am looked at me.

"What?" she said in a annoyed tone.

Ahh how can I make her feel better?!

She's mad at me!

Maybe I should apologize first....

should I?

"What? What do you want?"

"Ermm nothing just wanted to say hi," Say hi? Where did that come from. I was supposed to apologize.

I saw her roll her eyes and she increased her speed. I decided to leave her alone and tell her sorry tomorrow.

Jasmine's POV

I was so angry at Chanyeol! He still didn't bother to apologise. I can understand that since Baekhyun is his long time friend he wanted to sit next to him but that doesn't mean he could just push me off my seat.

I quickly made my way home and went into my bedroom. I looked at the big bag of presents I had bought for my friends for Christmas. I wondered if I should give Chanyeol his present.

I pushed away my thoughts and decided to do some homework. Maths, English, Korean, history...there was a ton to do. I started with maths which I felt the easiest then continued in with the other subjects.

After 2 hours of doing homework I decided to go out to my balcony for fresh air.

Just my luck :/ I saw Chanyeol standing in his balcony listening to music.

I quietly stood there for a while.

"Jas?" I heard someone call my name.

I turned towards the sound and realized Chanyeol saw me.

"Hi," I waved slightly to him before turning and heading back to my room.

Just as I was about to enter my room, Chanyeol called me.

"Jas wait I have to tell you something,"

I turned around a faced him.


"Ermm... I get why you are mad at me..."

"Oh really? I doubt so..." I said trying to sound fierce. I am the type of person who doesn't really hold grudges against people for a long time.

"Yah really..wait hear me out...ermm about what happened in school.. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to push you. I think I was just excited seeing Baekhyun my friend after a long time. I hope you understand." Chanyeol explained. I could see he was trying very hard to make the situation better.

"I understand but next time don't just push anyone of their seat. I shall be cool and think that all this never"

"Call!" Chanyeol yelled.

"See you will never meet a friend like me...I'm so cool" I boasted about myself in a joking way and started laughing trying to lighten the mood.

I bid Chanyeol goodbye and walked back to my room. I went down for dinner in a happy mood.

"Jas now what happened to your hand?" Mum asked me worryingly.

"Nothing mum, just got a slight cut against the table," I replied munching down my food.

"Aiyooo, First you slam your hands in the locker and now a cut...why are you being so careless Jas?" My dad said shaking his head.

"Sorry," I said grinning through my mouth full of food.

After dinner, I took a shower and went to bed.

*3 hours later*

I rolled and rolled on my bed. It was hard to fall asleep. I gave up and decided to get a glass of water. I slowly crept downstairs careful to not wake the others up.

Suddenly I heard footsteps in the corner. I froze at my spot. I tried to figure out if it was just my imagination or if someone actually broke into the house.

After 20 seconds of waiting, I heard it again. A chill ran down my spine and I could feel goosebumps all over my body. I grabbed the nearest thing that I could use as a weapon which was an umbrella and decided to see where the sound was coming from.

Slowly, I opened the kitchen door and immediately placed my hand over my mouth. There was a guy in the kitchen rummaging through our stuff.

I walked up to him holding the umbrella tightly. I lifted the umbrella and whacked it on his head. He yelled in pain and turned around to glare at me.

I screamed as loud as I could and kept hitting him. When I realized it was no use I decided to use the one thing that always worked. I kicked him hard right in the b****! "Ow that must hurt" I thought to myself. The man groaned in pain and dropped to the floor. By now my parents and brother heard the commotion and came down.

"Oh my god! What happened? Jas are you okay?" My mum ran up to me and asked.

"Ding dong,ding dong" The doorbell rang.

My mum opened the door and I was surprised to see Mrs. Park and Chanyeol standing wide eyed at my door.

"May I know who you are?" My mum asked since she still did not know.

"Oh mum that's my classmate Chanyeol and that's his mum they live next door." I explained quickly.

My mum let them enter.

"So what happened Jas? I heard a really loud scream!" Chanyeol enquired as he came in.

I explained what had happened to my family and the guest. All of them started at me with shocked faces.

"Oh my god! Jas are you ok?" Chanyeol asked rushing over to me and checking my arms and legs for any sign of injury.

I reassured him that I was fine.

"We need to call the
police immediately!" Mrs. Park exclaimed.

*15mins later*

The police arrived at my house and took the man in handcuffs. They told us to make sure that nothing was stolen. We thanked the police before they left.

Chanyeol and his mum decided to leave too once everything was alright and back to normal.

"See you in school tomorrow," Chanyeol waved goodbye as he and his mum left my house.

Finally peace was restored. Now I was really sleepy and tired after all that had happened. I dragged my legs all the way up to my bedroom. My parents were stills downstairs trying to figure out how the burglars got in. The police also said that they will investigate the incident more. Since everything was taken care of, I decided to sleep comfortably with no burdens.

Few minutes later I was fast asleep.

------------END ----------------

That was chapter 11. Sorry for the late update but yah school has started :P

Anyway This weeks EXO showtime was hilarious. Baekhyun,Tao, Luhan in the haunted house acted completely different from Chen and Xiumin XD

Sad that did not show Suho, Lay , Chanyeol and Kai :(

Sorry for any mistakes :P

Enjoy ~

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