Chapter 14

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Sorry for the long wait. Finally the week of exams are over and now i have time to update.

Anyone who watches EMERGENCY COUPLE? If you don't, its awesome try watching it. Our Ace Mong Ji and Choi Jin Hyuk from The Heirs star in the show.

Thank you for the almost 700 reads :D

Anyway let's start with the chapter.

Chapter 14

Jasmine's POV

It has been 3 days since the teacher assigned us the project to come up with a performance. We have 2 weeks left until the final assessment but we have made no progress. All three of us are going through metal breakdown where we can't think of anything. The three of us now were at the school library's discussion room thinking on what we should do....

"AHH so sian!" I exclaimed pushing the computer away from me slightly.

"Sian? What's that?" Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at me with confused faces.

"Like when you are sick of something in Singapore we just say sian." I replied.

"So how? What shall we do for the performance?" I asked.

"What if we do a performance like you and Baekhyun can sing while I play the guitar and then I can do a rap. So let's choose a song where we can show off my rapping skills and your singing skills," Chanyeol suggested

"Rapping skills? You sure? I don't think the birds agreed with you the other time..." I said giggling slightly and smirking.

"Give that up happened so long ago!"

"Arraso arraso..."

"Hey, it's actually not a bad idea. If we arrange the song well it could be a success." Baekhyun said trying to break up our little fight.

"Ok so let's try that!"

And with that we ended our emergency meeting and left the library.

"Oh I forgot! I need to take my homework out of my locker. You guys go ahead first I will go later," I stopped in my tracks and told them.

"I'll follow you. Anyway we are going the same way. Might as well accompany you. We can talk about the project also. Baekhyun hyung go first..." Chanyeol said.

"Arraso. See you guys tomorrow!" We bid goodbye to Baekhyun and made our way upstairs.

It was 6pm and the school looked dark. Everyone knows schools are the most scariest places in the night. Trust me it's super creepy. For my Secondary 1 orientation we stayed overnight in school. If you looked out of the window you can see it as a place so creepy that you wouldn't know what lurks around.

"Wah the school is really creepy in the night," I said.

"Wae? Are you scared?"

"Ani~ This kind off stuff doesn't scare me." Merong. I stuck my tongue out to him.

I took my stuff from the locker and locked it.

"Hey Chanyeol let's go!"

----No reply---

"Chanyeol???" I increased my voice by a bit and called out again.

"Ya Chanyeol don't do this. It's too obvious. I don't care I am just gonna leave you here and go," Ireplied looking around and slowing making my way to the stairs purposely going very slowly.

Dream come true { EXO Chanyeol }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ